Monday, September 16, 2024

We Need Medical Freedom

We Need Medical Freedom

In a free society, people have the right to decide what to do with their own bodies. If you want to take something that “orthodox” medicine says you shouldn’t, this decision should be up to you. If the government can ban “dangerous drugs,” why not dangerous ideas too? As the great Ludwig von Mises points out, “Opium and morphine are certainly dangerous, habit-forming drugs. But once the principle is admitted that it is the duty of government to protect the individual against his own foolishness, no serious objections can be advanced against further encroachments. A good case could be made out in favor of the prohibition of alcohol and nicotine. And why limit the government’s benevolent providence to the protection of the individual’s body only? Is not the harm a man can inflict on his mind and soul even more disastrous than any bodily evils? Why not prevent him from reading bad books and seeing bad plays, from looking at bad paintings and statues and from hearing bad music? The mischief done by bad ideologies, surely, is much more pernicious, both for the individual and for the whole society, than that done by narcotic drugs.Miller’s Review ... Miller, Neil Z. Best Price: $8.32 Buy New $14.48 (as of 04:45 UTC - Details)

These fears are not merely imaginary specters terrifying secluded doctrinaires. It is a fact that no paternal government, whether ancient or modern, ever shrank from regimenting its subjects’ minds, beliefs, and opinions. If one abolishes man’s freedom to determine his own consumption, one takes all freedoms away. The naive advocates of government interference with consumption delude themselves when they neglect what they disdainfully call the philosophical aspect of the problem. They unwittingly support the case of censorship, inquisition, religious intolerance, and the persecution of dissenters.”

This is much more than a theoretical issue. The FDA controls new drugs with an iron fist. It bans drugs that people who live in other parts of the world can get and have passed their countries’ tests for safety. One example is ambroxol, a very effective cough medicine widely available in Europe: “Ambroxol is a mucolytic medicine used to treat respiratory diseases associated with excessive mucus secretion. Its onset of action starts after 30 minutes of oral administration. It works by reducing the thickness of the mucus, making it easier to cough out.”

Before a new drug wins approval, it must undergo years, often decades, of testing. These tests cost millions of dollars. Only Big Pharma can afford to pay for them. The FDA thus makes it impossible for people who invent new drugs but do not have much money to market their products, Untold lives have been lost. As Dr. Lisa Casanova says, “In the United States people who need medications to treat illness are dependent on the mercy of Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It serves as a gatekeeper to drug services, deciding which medications will and will not be available to consumers. The FDA demands that developers and manufacturers of drugs furnish data on a drug’s efficacy and side effects, which it uses to make its determinations.

Some organizations are demanding a change in the process to permit terminally ill people to gain speedier access to possible cures. Their demands have so far been rebuffed by regulators.

Drug testing for FDA approval usually consists of three phases of trials, with each phase involving larger numbers of patients. In Phase 1, a medication is given to small numbers of healthy individuals who are observed for the development of acute side effects. Phase 2 expands to include the population of patients for which the drug is intended and may consist of several hundred people. Phase 3, which can involve a thousand or more patients, includes double-blind, placebo-controlled trials which both measure efficacy and monitor for adverse effects.

After these studies, the FDA still must evaluate the data and deliberate over approval. The entire process can take years. For chronically ill patients, the wait may mean a loss of quality of life or a progression of disability. But for the terminally ill, the time it takes for drugs to wind through this process can mean the difference between life and death.”

You might object, “Isn’t it important for people to be protected from unsafe drugs? What if the new drugs don’t help people? Hasn’t the FDA saved lives?” It’s far likelier that the FDA has killed more people than it has saved.

Moreover, there is an even more critical issue at stake. Why should the government decide whether a drug is too risky to sell? In a free market, people can make their own assessment of this. As Dr. Casanova says, “Based on risk preferences, patients seeking treatment for a disease can roughly be divided into two groups. One group consists of those who are willing to try untested or barely tested drugs. This may be because they have run out of meaningful therapeutic options (their disease is refractory to treatment with available therapies), or existing therapies don’t do enough for their disease to give them the quality of life they desire.

They may also feel that having people who are willing to try untested drugs first is an important part of advancing the knowledge and science of disease therapy. The second group consists of patients who are more risk-averse. These patients do not want to take drugs unless they have been tested and their risks and benefits are defined to some extent (i.e., the drugs have been tested on other human beings first and the outcomes of this testing are known). Although it tends to be overlooked, there may be seriously or terminally ill patients who fall into this second group.

Some people in the first group of patients might want access to drugs that have not gone through the clinical trial system. But since they are willing to tolerate risk from drugs that have unknown effects, they also provide a pool of people who are willing to participate in clinical trials, for their own benefit and the greater benefit of others with the same illnesses, because they are willing to go first.”Anyone Who Tells You V... Coleman, Dr Vernon Buy New $3.99 (as of 04:06 UTC - Details)

Medical freedom covers much more than new drugs.  Suppose that you have ideas on how illnesses should be treated. You can’t set up a medical practice unless the government licenses you.  If you don’t have a license, you are “practicing medicine without a license,” a very serious crime. To practice medicine, you must go to a government-approved medical school. These schools restrict admissions to limit the number of new doctors. This enables doctors to charge people higher prices than would prevail in the free market. Here are some examples of what California considers “practicing medicine without a license:” “Someone uses unconventional or homeopathic methods, e.g., hypnosis, acupuncture, herbal remedies to “treat” specific ailments. Even if they don’t claim to be a doctor, they can still be criminally charged for unlawfully diagnosing and treating conditions:

  • A licensed physician emigrating from another country offers treatments to other immigrants from his homeland at a low cost because they can’t afford healthcare. He’s licensed, but not in California;
  • A licensed physician from another state treats a California resident via telemedicine. Again, not explicitly licensed in California;
  • An entrepreneur who is not a doctor buys a medical practice from a physician then hires that physician to run the practice. While only a licensed physician treats the patients, the practice’s new owner violates BPC 2052 because he is not licensed.”

The tyrannical domination of medicine has shut down many promising treatments for life-threatening illnesses, such as Laetrile and, much earlier, Krebiozen for cancer. Cancer is one of the deadliest and most feared illnesses, so naturally the FDA and the agency’s Big Pharma bosses have tried to suppress free speech about promising treatments for this illness that don’t conform to allopathic orthodoxy. “Christian Brothers Contracting Corp. President Jason Vale was sentenced June 18 to 63 months in prison and three years of supervised release for selling Laetrile, a bogus cancer cure, the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of N.Y. ruled. Laetrile, also known as amygdalin, vitamin B-17 and ‘apricot pits,’ is ‘a highly toxic product that has not shown any effect on treating cancer,’ FDA says. Vale was convicted last July of three counts of criminal contempt for violating a 2000 court order to cease sale and promotion of Laetrile (1’The Tan Sheet’ July 28, 2003, In Brief).”

Even earlier, Dr. Andrew Ivy, one of the most distinguished medical researchers in the world, was prosecuted for fraud in 1965 because he promoted Krebiozen, a drug that the FDA experts said was worthless. Although he was acquitted, the trial ruined his professional reputation. The New York Times mentions the trial here, in a 1965 story: “CHICAGO, April 3 — Dr Andrew C. Ivy, who was considered to be among the nation’s most distinguished medical scientists, goes on trial Monday in the Federal District Court here on criminal fraud charges arising from his part in promoting Krebiozen.”

Let’s do everything we can to promote medical freedom and end the government’s tyranny!

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and editor of He is the author of Against the State and Against the Left. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

‘Too Little, Too Late’? After Zuckerberg Comes Clean on Censorship, Media Outlets ‘Update’ Old News Articles

‘Too Little, Too Late’? After Zuckerberg Comes Clean on Censorship, Media Outlets ‘Update’ Old News Articles

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s admission last month that senior Biden administration officials pressured Facebook to censor content related to COVID-19 during the pandemic has prompted some media outlets to correct articles published years ago.

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

September 13, 2024

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s admission last month that senior Biden administration officials pressured Facebook to censor content related to COVID-19 during the pandemic has prompted some media outlets to correct articles published years ago.

Forbes and The Independent recently updated previously published articles about the so-called “Disinformation Dozen” during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to GreenMedInfo.

“The Disinformation Dozen,” a list of 12 “leading online anti-vaxxers,” was published in March 2021 by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a nonprofit organization that says it stops “the spread of online hate.”

According to CCDH, these 12 people, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., then-chairman and chief litigation counsel of Children’s Health Defense (CHD) — now chairman on leave — were responsible for 65% of “anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms.”

Among the corrected news articles are a July 2021 Forbes article, “De-platform The Disinformation Dozen,” and a March 2021 article in The Independent, “Study names 12 most dangerous anti-vaxxers in America.”

McGill University in Montreal, Canada, added a pinned comment with a correction to its “A Dose of Science” YouTube video, posted in March 2022 by the university’s Office for Science & Society.

GreenMedInfo, whose founder, Sayer Ji, was included among the “Disinformation Dozen,” called the corrections “a crucial step towards rectifying the record and vindicating free speech advocates in the realm of medical choices and informed consent.”

But GreenMedInfo noted that CCDH and its CEO Imran Ahmed, continue to repeat claims that the “Disinformation Dozen” are responsible for 65% of vaccine-related “misinformation” online, such as in a Men’s Health interview in June.

CHD CEO Mary Holland told The Defender she is “glad to see some mainstream media corrections, but they are of course too little, too late to have any real impact.”

CHD General Counsel Kim Mack Rosenberg said:

“The harms here run deep — attacking the very fabric of our First Amendment rights. Free speech is a hallmark of democracy, and I am concerned that the government’s suppression of speech, CCDH’s actions, and a media that was coerced by and complicit with government, is a dangerous and slippery slope about which all Americans need to be concerned.”

Ohio physician Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, named on the “Disinformation Dozen” list, told The Defender the recent developments are a victory.

“I am hopeful. This win is not just us, but for every person who steadfastly held the line and said no to being a human experiment,” Tenpenny said.

She said the recent developments are also a form of vindication:

“The exposure of the manipulation that went on behind the scenes to silence us is what we suspected, and now we know. Despite the media attacks and the loss of both reputation and income, this admission by mainstream media and Big Tech is a testament to our unwavering commitment.

“We have the sad last laugh against their attacks. They are the ones with blood on their hands. It is a significant ‘I told you so’ to the world. We were right all along, and in spite of their attacks, we remain the beacons of truth, continuing to warn.”

Zuckerberg’s admission, in a letter to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, included a statement that he regretted not being more outspoken about the government’s pressure to censor social media content.

Positive implications for free speech lawsuits against the government?

The corrections by mainstream media follow the latest developments in Kennedy and CHD’s class action lawsuit against the Biden administration, filed in March 2023, alleging key government agencies and officials violated Americans’ First Amendment rights by colluding with social media platforms to censor content.

Last month, a federal court in Louisiana ruled that Kennedy and CHD have standing to sue the Biden administration for pressuring Big Tech to censor their social media posts.

Judge Terry A. Doughty ruled that Kennedy and CHD took “positions contrary to Government positions on COVID-19, including mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine injuries, lockdowns, etc.”

Doughty’s ruling also noted that CCDH identified Kennedy as one of the “Disinformation Dozen,” and that CHD was named as a tool for spreading “anti-vaccine messages.”

Doughty also referenced emails between the White House and social media platforms in 2021, in which those companies agreed to de-amplify, place warnings on or fully censor posts — including a tweet by Kennedy, containing so-called “vaccine misinformation” — regardless of whether the information was true.

“Facebook admitted that although the CHD’s posts did not violate its policies, it would suppress content that originated from CHD,” Doughty wrote.

Media outlets’ recent corrections of their previous stories about CCDH and the “Disinformation Dozen” may have positive implications for Kennedy v. Biden, Murthy v. Missouri — formerly Missouri v. Biden — and CHD v. Meta, which alleges federal agencies teamed up with Facebook to censor speech.

Last month, a federal court ruled against CHD in its case against Meta. Holland told The Defender CHD will likely appeal to the Supreme Court. She said:

“Without an enforced First Amendment, our country is in grave trouble. In the aftermath of COVID, the press and the courts are beginning to acknowledge the devastation it wrought to the right to freedom of the press and freedom of speech.”

The Defender on occasion posts content related to Children’s Health Defense’s nonprofit mission that features Mr. Kennedy’s views on the issues CHD and The Defender regularly cover. Mr. Kennedy, an independent candidate for president of the U.S., is on leave from CHD. In keeping with Federal Election Commission rules, this content does not represent an endorsement of Mr. Kennedy’s candidacy or his support for President Donald Trump’s campaign.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Will Austrian Economics Became Another J6?

Will Austrian Economics Became Another J6?

“Many of the attitudes and behaviors of psychopaths have a distinct predatory quality to them.” — Psychopathy: An Important Forensic Concept for the 21st Century

In this Age of War where anything that runs against the dominant narrative is considered mis- or disinformation, if not an outright lie, those promoting Austrian economic and political theory might find they’re wearing a bullseye on their backs.  With J6 already established as the State in action, dissent, especially of a fundamental nature, becomes a declaration of war to the psychopaths in DC.  Imagine the nightmare of a SWAT raid on the Mises Institute in Auburn, with instructions per Mar-a-Lago to use deadly force if necessary.

With the mainstream media already an Orwellian Ministry of Truth, it would be a routine matter to lock away anyone perceived as a threat to state edicts.  Is there anything published or broadcast on that couldn’t be interpreted as a threat?  The masthead of LRC reads “anti-state•anti-war•pro-market”and currently gets almost a million visits per month.  To the state this is open-and-shut and says come and get us.  That they haven’t so far is not a reflection of state magnanimity.  Psychopaths are not magnanimous.  The ideas of peace, prosperity, and individual rights do not go over well in the halls of power, especially if they’re summoned in a public critique of state actions or proposed legislation.

Consider the state response to the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol, according to Axios.  It was a feast of criminality if the media is to be believed: More than 1,100 people have been charged with a crime, including President Trump.  The charges and number of defendants include:

— Entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds  — 967.  Of these, “104 have been charged with ‘entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon,’ per the U.S. Attorney’s office for D.C.”

— Assaulting, resisting or impeding officers or employees  — 372.

— Corruptly obstructing, influencing or impeding an official proceeding or attempting to do so — 310.

— Destruction of government property — 64.

— Theft of government property — 51.

— Conspiracy — 42.

— Assaulting a member of the media or destroying their equipment —11.

In addition, “About 140 police officers were assaulted during the Capitol riot,” though none died in the line of duty.  No mention of Ashley Babbitt whose never-prosecuted murderer claimed later that in shooting her he saved countless lives.

Trump of course was blamed for the riot, but why was his request for 10,000 National Guard troops turned down?

And this from the US Attorney’s Office in DC: “Citizens from around the country have provided invaluable assistance in identifying individuals in connection with the Jan. 6 attack.”  See step two of C.S. Lewis’s “How to Recognize and Resist Oppression.

A hallmark of tyranny is the drafting of citizens to help identify dissidents — Nazi Germany had over 150,000 informants by April, 1933, in an effort to “cleanse” society of riffraff.  Dissidents “spoiled the mirage of voluntary unanimity that the Soviet regime took pains to construct . . . [and because of their dedication and bravery] the democratic facade of the Soviet Union was discredited and the ideological nature of the East-West confrontation became impossible to conceal.”

But Republican persistence in J6 was not dead.  “In a move that Democrats and left-leaning groups have called a threat to security,” House Republicans posted 90 hours of footage from J6 on November 17, 2023 in the CHA Subcommittee Reading Room.  “Eventually, around 95 percent of the 44,000 hours of tape will eventually be made available.”  How comforting is that to the 378 defendants locked up (listed here), while some “are being subject to solitary confinement, a lack of required medical care, and restricted access to defense counsel.”

I sampled some of the security videos, and the closest I could find that suggested disorder, let alone a riot, was this one, with security officers wearing heavy protective gear and shoving camera-armed Trump supporters back after they had gone forward in some hallway of the Capitol.

It turns out there is one video that trumps (sorry) all the others.  It’s from the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight – GOP, Chairman Barry Loudermilk  (GA-11).  According to the committee, “Since January 6, 2021, Nancy Pelosi spent 3+ years and nearly $20 million creating a narrative to blame Donald Trump.  New footage, taken by Alexandra Pelosi [Nancy’s daughter], shows on January 6, Pelosi admitted: “’I take responsibility.’”Liberalism’s Las... Yadav, Vikash Best Price: $24.42 Buy New $31.00 (as of 08:30 UTC - Details)


People fighting for a reduced or extinguished state will never have many allies, but we can never quit.  Someday voters might believe Emma Goldman or Mark Twain who were on the same page in saying states allow cosmetic changes only.  It’s fantasy thinking but imagine the entire electorate boycotting an election.  Political enemies might finally agree that government of an involuntary nature doesn’t work — for either side.

The UN is calling for the UK to “adopt comprehensive measures to discourage and combat racist hate speech and xenophobic discourse by political and public figures.”  In practice it means if the government doesn’t like what you’re saying it will define your words as violating the law and prosecute you.

Let’s fight to make sure Austrian economics stays free from government’s  “comprehensive measures.”  And the way to do that, I believe, is to make sure your words, whether written or spoken, are truthful and reach out to the general public.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Hungary hits back at Hillary Clinton

Hungary hits back at Hillary Clinton

Balazs Orban has accused the Democrats of trying to jail their political opponents and import migrant voters
Hungary hits back at Hillary Clinton

Failed US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should look in the mirror before accusing Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban of stifling democracy, one of Orban’s senior advisers has argued.

Clinton took to X on Wednesday to harangue former President Donald Trump for praising Orban during his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris the previous night. Clinton described Orban as a “democracy-killing Hungarian dictator,” sharing a 2018 article claiming that his strict immigration policies, controversial judicial reforms, and expulsion of liberal financier George Soros’ Open Society Foundations NGO amount to “soft fascism.”

Balazs Orban, the political director of Viktor Orban’s office and no relation to the prime minister, responded shortly afterwards.

“Dear Mrs. Clinton,” he wrote on X. “May I share with you what I think the death of democracy is: the desire to imprison your political opponents, the failure to organize elections transparently, and the attempt to replace dissatisfied voters with migrant voters. Which country do you think this applies to?” 

“Every reasonable person thinks of this when reading your remarks: ‘first take the log out of your own eye’,” he concluded.

Viktor Orban has been open about his support for Trump, endorsing the former president’s election campaign and meeting with him in Florida earlier this year. The Hungarian leader has described Trump as the only American politician capable of ending the Ukraine conflict, claiming on several occasions that the conflict never would have started had Trump been in the White House in 2022.

Balazs Orban’s criticisms of Clinton echo Trump’s own disputes with the Democratic Party. The former president has described the multiple criminal cases against him as Democrat-led attempts to “weaponize” the justice system and prevent him from being elected this November. He has also accused Democrats and sympathetic local officials of “rigging” the 2020 election for Biden, and of allowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country “because they want to sign these people up to vote.”

Clinton was far less critical of Orban during her time as secretary of state under President Barack Obama. During a visit to Budapest in 2011, Clinton said that the US was “strongly supportive of the prime minister’s commitment to rebuild and strengthen Hungary’s economy,” and applauded his efforts to “eliminate corruption that discourages foreign investors and entrepreneurs.”


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Tale of the Machine

The Tale of the Machine

A user's guide to my essay series

We Need Medical Freedom

We Need Medical Freedom By  Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. September 16, 2024 In a free society, people have the right to decide what to do with...