Thursday, August 31, 2023

A 10-point primer on why the mRNA Covid shots are different from and riskier than other vaccines

Unreported Truths

A 10-point primer on why the mRNA Covid shots are different from and riskier than other vaccines

Many of you have asked for this as a way to talk to friends or family, and with another (another!) jab push coming, it's time

Aug 30, 2023

A reader wrote yesterday:

I have a question, or maybe a request.  Have you written, or could you write, a concise essay on why Americans should be cautious about getting vaccinated and/or getting boosted today?

Our daughter is a 21 year old nursing student who had to get vaxxed in order to begin nursing school and then boosted later on to continue school.  

We are concerned that when she graduates and gets a job this summer, the hospital will require another booster (plus potentially more boosters down the road).  She has not paid close attention to the vaccine debate and when I attempt to articulate why a young healthy person should be cautious (reluctant….or maybe adamantly opposed) about more boosters, I am unable to make the case concisely and cite evidence.

But I’ve heard you do just that on the radio.

So I’m wondering if you have something written the makes the basic case…

(Questions asked, questions answered, for 20 cents a day)

I don’t have anything written. But I should.

Many of you have asked for something like this since 2021, usually not for yourselves as much as family members or friends, or sometimes to present at public hearings around the Covid jabs. It’s all on the Stack in some form, but sometimes I forget that not everyone has time to read every word of Unreported Truths with the incredibly close attention it of course deserves. (Yesterday’s news wraps tomorrow’s fish, as wise reporters used to say.)

So without further ado, here are 10 crucial facts about the mRNAs - the Covid shots from Pfizer and Moderna, the only jabs in wide circulation in the United States. The list is essentially chronological, from concept through trial to widespread use.

I thought about providing supporting evidence and full explanations for each of these points, but the Stack would be 5,000 words. I will provide a longer write-up for the first point, to give you a sense of how a full report might look.

(10 Things I Hate About You)

1: mRNAs are not vaccines in any traditional sense. They work in a very different way.

2: Before 2020 mRNA biotechnology was - at best - several years from use outside clinical trials. The scientists working on it were struggling with the risks of repeated dosing.

3: The two large clinical trials in 2020 from Pfizer and Moderna that led to the approval of the mRNAs did NOT show that they reduced deaths from Covid, or from other causes.

4: mRNAs were not proven to work better or to be safer than - or even as safe as - traditional vaccines. They were not and have never been tested head-to-head against traditional vaccines.

5: The clinical trials showed the mRNAs caused more and more severe side effects than most traditional vaccines, especially flu shots. Real-world experience confirmed the trial findings.

6: The major clinical trials were effectively stopped in early 2021, and as a result we do not have long-term placebo-controlled safety data on the mRNAs.

7: We also do not have long-term controlled data on their effectiveness. This gap matters less, though, since everyone now agrees that - at best - they worked against Covid infection or transmission for a few months in 2021.

8: The evidence health authorities offer for their claims that the shots work against severe disease and death - even after they fail against infection - comes from “observational” studies. Those are hopelessly untrustworthy. The reason is that people are generally not vaccinated if they are on or near their deathbeds - and terminally ill people are obviously at very high risk of death from all causes, including Covid.

In essence, the people who receive vaccinations cannot be compared to those who do not. Health authorities are well aware of this issue, but they ignore it, because it enables them to claim the vaccines work.

9: The mRNAs appear to have zero or negative effectiveness against Omicron infection. Negative effectiveness means they may actually increase the risk of infection. Some studies show that the infection risk RISES with each additional dose.

10: Data from many countries that used mRNAs shows the booster campaigns in early 2022 and late 2022/early 2023 coincided with increases in all-cause deaths. This correlation is particularly striking in the second campaign, because it cannot be attributed to Covid.

DETAILS FOR 1: The mRNAs work very differently than older vaccines.

Until recently, most vaccines were either “live attenuated” or “inactivated” viruses. Either way, they contained viral particles treated so that they could reproduce only weakly or not at all. They also contained an “adjuvant,” an unrelated material that spurred the immune system to recognize the weakened virus and mount a response.

Both conceptually and practically, this type of vaccination is simple.

The concept is easy to explain: introduce a weaker version of a virus to the immune system, so it can build its defenses, for a head start when the real virus - whether polio, smallpox, or anything else - arrives.

Further, as a practical matter, scientists can now fairly easily isolate, grow, purify, and kill whole viruses.

Thus vaccination has been around in some form for centuries. Many inactivated or attenuated-virus vaccines have been available for generations.

But the mRNAs are nothing like older vaccines, except in the sense that they attempt to build an immune response in advance of illness. They hijack the machinery of your cells to make them produce specific proteins that are part of a virus.

In that sense, they work as an actual virus does. But they don’t make the whole virus, only a piece scientists have chosen in the hope of maximizing the immune response.

Beyond being complex conceptually, the mRNAs come with practical difficulties.

The immune system works to destroy foreign mRNA as soon as it enters the body. For this reason, mRNAs do not need to be given with an adjuvant. Their mere presence provokes the immune system to fury.

To beat this problem, scientists protect the mRNA with a shell (as a real virus protects its own RNA) called a lipid nanoparticle. They also modify the mRNA, changing it chemically so that it is less likely to provoke the immune system before it reaches a cell. In fact, a more accurate description of the mRNA shots would be “modRNAs.”

But scientists do not know whether long-term effects of injecting humans with either lipid nanoparticles or modified mRNA strands may be. Before 2020, the mRNAs had been given to humans only in small clinical trials, and no long-term safety data on them was available.


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America

39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America

A disturbing interview given by a KGB defector in 1984 describes America of today and outlines four stages of mass brainwashing used
In 1954, early on in the Cold War, the Soviet Union created the Committee for State Security, more commonly known in the West as the KGB. The group came to oversee the Soviet Union’s internal security, secret police, and domestic and foreign intelligence operations.

Across the world, the KGB did whatever it could to thwart pro-Western and anti-Soviet political movements and figures. The group would assassinate political leaders with cyanide and other weapons. It would fund and arm leftist groups, especially those in developing nations. And the KGB successfully established moles in U.S. intelligence agencies, though the exact number still isn’t — and may never be — known for sure.

Also unclear were the group’s long-term plans involving the U.S. One glimpse, however, comes from a former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov, who defected to Canada in 1970. He claimed to know details of a Soviet plan to undermine the U.S., not on the battlefield but in the psyche of the American public.

In 1984, Bezmenov gave an interview to G. Edward Griffin from which much can be learned today. His most chilling point was that there’s a long-term plan put in play by Russia to defeat America through psychological warfare and “demoralization.” It’s a long game that takes decades to achieve but it may already be bearing fruit.

Bezmenov made the point that the work of the KGB mainly does not involve espionage, despite what our popular culture may tell us. Most of the work, 85% of it, was “a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare.”

What does that mean? Bezmenov explained that the most striking thing about ideological subversion is that it happens in the open as a legitimate process. “You can see it with your own eyes,” he said. The American media would be able to see it, if it just focused on it.

Here’s how he further defined ideological subversion:

“What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”

Bezmenov described this process as “a great brainwashing” that has four basic stages. The first stage is called “demoralization” which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. According to the former KGB agent, that is the minimum number of years it takes to re-educate one generation of students that is normally exposed to the ideology of its country — in other words, the time it takes to change what the people are thinking.

He used the examples of 1960s hippies coming to positions of power in the 1980s in the government and businesses of America. Bezmenov claimed this generation was already “contaminated” by Marxist-Leninist values. Of course, this claim that many baby boomers are somehow espousing KGB-tainted ideas is hard to believe but Bezmenov’s larger point addressed why people who have been gradually “demoralized” are unable to understand that this has happened to them.

Referring to such people, Bezmenov said:

“They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.”

Demoralization is a process that is “irreversible.” Bezmenov actually thought (back in 1984) that the process of demoralizing America was already completed. It would take another generation and another couple of decades to get the people to think differently and return to their patriotic American values, claimed the agent.

In what is perhaps a most striking passage in the interview, here’s how Bezmenov described the state of a “demoralized” person:

“As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore,” said Bezmenov. “A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That’s the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization.”

It’s hard not to see in that the state of many modern Americans. We have become a society of polarized tribes, with some people flat out rejecting facts in favor of narratives and opinions.

Once demoralization is completed, the second stage of ideological brainwashing is “destabilization”. During this two-to-five-year period, asserted Bezmenov, what matters is the targeting of essential structural elements of a nation: economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. Basically, the subverter (Russia) would look to destabilize every one of those areas in the United States, considerably weakening it.

The third stage would be “crisis.” It would take only up to six weeks to send a country into crisis, explained Bezmenov. The crisis would bring “a violent change of power, structure, and economy” and will be followed by the last stage, “normalization.” That’s when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality.

This will happen to America unless it gets rid of people who will bring it to a crisis, warned Bezmenov. What’s more “if people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help [the] United States,” adding, “You may kiss goodbye to your freedom.”

It bears saying that when he made this statement, he was warning about baby boomers and Democrats of the time.

In another somewhat terrifying excerpt, here’s what Bezmenov had to say about what is really happening in the United States: It may think it is living in peace, but it has been actively at war with Russia, and for some time:

“Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system trains another generation of people who think they are living at the peacetime,” said the former KGB agent. “False. United States is in a state of war: undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system.”


Big Think

Paul Ratner

Paul is a writer, filmmaker, and educator. He has written for years for Big Think and other outlets on transformative scientific research, history, and current events. His award-winning films like the true-life adventure "Moses on the Mesa" and the science documentary "The Caveman of Atomic City" have played at film festivals around the world. Paul also organizes numerous unique educational events, renowned film festivals, and competitions for thousands of people. He has degrees from Cornell University (BA) and Chapman University (MFA). You can follow Paul's work at, on Instagram, and Facebook.



Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The tyranny of the bureaucracy and the weaponization of codes of conduct

The Tyranny of the Bureaucracy and the Weaponization of Codes of Conduct

Mike Ramsay is another victim of the weaponization of disciplinary hearings against those accused of heresy


Monday, August 28, 2023

Cause Unknown by Edward Dowd

Cause Unknown by Edward Dowd

 Print post

“Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022
By Edward Dowd
Skyhorse Publishing

Carl Sagan is not my favorite scientist, but Mr. Dowd includes a quote before page 1 of “Cause Unknown” and I can’t pass it up without comment: “If we are not able to ask skeptical questions. . . to be skeptical of those in authority, then we are up for grabs for the next charlatan—political or religious—who comes ambling along. It wasn’t enough, Jefferson said, to enshrine some rights in a constitution or a bill of rights. The people had to be educated, and they had to practice their skepticism. . . otherwise, we don’t run the government, the government runs us.”

Keep reading that until you get it. If we blindly accept everything authorities tell us, we are not educated, and if we are not educated, we are slaves of government. Without disagreement, science not only stagnates, it degenerates into an intolerant cult. We are seeing that today, and we should also see that it is never in the best interests of power-hungry governments to have an educated population.

Ed Dowd is educated and has an impressive track record as a BlackRock fund manager who grew a fund from $2 billion to $14 billion. He knows how to crunch numbers and understands what they mean. Looking at multiple sources of data on all-cause mortality over the last few years, he noticed a disturbing “signal” in the data. Others have noticed, too, but I don’t know of anyone who has pulled the data together and analyzed them in as much detail as he has.

When insurance giant OneAmerica announced a 40 percent increase in all-cause mortality in the eighteen to sixty-four age group, there was barely a ripple of media reaction. For context, a 10 percent increase would represent a rare, once-in-two-hundred-year event. We haven’t seen a 40 percent spike like this since animals paired up by twos for an extended cruise on Noah’s shiny new boat. I may be exaggerating slightly, but this is a catastrophe of biblical proportions. As Dowd puts it, the sixty thousand excess deaths among millennials—over just one year—are roughly the equivalent of another Vietnam war. Other sources of data, including the Society of Actuaries Research Institute and the CDC itself, are confirming the same alarming signal.

Strikingly, the people who are dying should not be dying in large numbers. Dowd fills several pages with data and pictures of young athletes who died under very unusual circumstances. Authorities have tried to normalize this by fabricating the label “SADS” (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). SADS explains nothing but makes it sound like you know what is going on—“Oh yeah, that’s just SADS.”

With an airtight case showing skyrocketing death rates, we can ask why this is happening. Again, there are plenty of clues. One clear sign that something is fishy is when authorities start changing definitions—such as the definition of a vaccine. Here’s another sign: You ask the FDA for their data on the so-called “vaccines,” and they tell you they will get back to you in fifty-five years, which they quickly amend to seventy-five years. These are data morally and legally owed to the taxpayers who paid for the studies. When authorities say they will get back to you long after you are safely dead, do you think there is a problem? What about when the CDC sets up a new system called v-safe to monitor vaccine safety but does not care to share those data with the public—do you think there is a problem?

Joe Biden got fully vaxxed and got Covid. Twice. Jill Biden got fully vaxxed and got Covid. Twice. Ditto for the prime minister of Canada, Anthony Fauci and Pfizer’s CEO. Do you think there is a problem? The VAERS system shows more deaths after Covid “vaccination” than deaths for all other vaccines combined for the last thirty years. Do you think there is a problem? There was a sudden shift in excess deaths from older people to younger people following Covid vaccine mandates in 2021. “Do you think . . . ?” Denmark thinks so and has stopped all Covid shots for people under the age of fifty. (I guess they don’t care about anyone over fifty.)

Dowd also looks at disability statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, where again, we see a big increase among working-age people in 2021 and 2022. I will not go into the details of what those disabilities look like, but if you do, you will see there are worse things than death.

Dowd noticed a slight increase in the death rate in 2020 but not very much, and most of it was among older people with serious comorbidities. This makes one wonder why there was such a panic about Covid. One big factor was a computer model generated by the infamous British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson. Let’s look at Ferguson’s track record in making predictions. For Covid in Taiwan in 2020, he predicted one hundred seventy-nine thousand deaths; the actual number was ten. Back in 2001, he predicted one hundred fifty thousand animal deaths from foot-and-mouth disease; the actual number was two hundred. In 2002, he predicted one hundred fifty-six thousand human deaths from mad cow disease; one hundred seventy-seven was the actual number. In 2005, he predicted up to two hundred million human deaths from bird flu. The actual number? Two hundred eighty-two, over six years. In 2009, he predicted sixty-five thousand UK swine flu deaths; the actual number was forty-five. This makes me wonder why anyone was still listening to this festering twit in 2020, but they did, and here we are.

This brings us to the bottom line. Mr. Dowd is more restrained in his book than I will be here. This horrific holocaust is not an accident and is not due to incompetence. The original outbreak in late 2019 was far from dramatic, yet in 2020, mandates and lockdowns swept the world in a matter of a few months. What was the response to the far more dramatic morbidity and mortality in 2021 and 2022? Governments and their media muppets have been almost completely silent. Clearly, they know what is going on and why, and they don’t see a problem. “Nothing to see here; move along and please die quietly.”

Sadly, the book contains many photos that put faces on this disaster. The dust jacket is also covered with pictures of beautiful young people. There are numbers, charts and graphs. There are also QR codes giving references for every piece of information. I don’t have a smartphone, so that didn’t do much for me, but for others, there you go. This is one of the best books I’ve read in the last year. It is an easy thumbs UP.


The most cited study on the topic of sudden death in young athletes was done in 2006 at the Division of Pediatric Cardiology, University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland. Experts there looked at sudden cardiac death in athletes under 35-years old, between the years 1966 and 2004.

After a systematic review of the literature, the Lausanne Study determined there had been 1101 such cases—over a period of 38 years. That̓s an average of about 29 per year. These days, we̓d be grateful to see even a single month with only 29 such events. In fact, since June 2021, there hasn̓’t been even one month with fewer than 29 such deaths; there were 90 reported in December 2021 alone, and about the same the month after that.

Taken from “Cause Unknown” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022 by Edward Dowd

This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2022


Tim Boyd was born and raised in Ohio, graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a degree in computer engineering, and worked in the defense industry in Northern Virginia for over 20 years. During that time, a slight case of arthritis led him to discover that nutrition makes a difference and nutrition became a serious hobby. After a pleasant and satisfying run in the electronics field, he decided he wanted to do something more important. He is now arthritis free and enjoying his dream job working for the Weston A. Price Foundation.



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