Wednesday, July 31, 2024

You Can’t Make This Up: Secretary Blinken Condemns Election Fraud in Venezuela While Turning a Blind Eye to the 2020 Election Fraud in the U.S.

You Can’t Make This Up: Secretary Blinken Condemns Election Fraud in Venezuela While Turning a Blind Eye to the 2020 Election Fraud in the U.S.

Screenshot: Bloomberg Television/Youtube

In a stunning display of hypocrisy, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has joined forces with Latin American leaders to condemn alleged election fraud in Venezuela, all while conveniently ignoring the mounting evidence and concerns surrounding the integrity of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

The Gateway Hispanic reported:

Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) announced tonight that President Nicolás Maduro was the winner of Sunday’s election, while opposition leaders in the race denounced serious irregularities in the counting process.

Shortly after the results were announced, Maduro thanked God for the results in his first remarks. “Thank you for giving this victory to the people who deserve it,” he proclaimed, emphasizing that “we were not born on the day of the cowards, of the lukewarm, of the faint-hearted; we were born on the day the liberator gave birth to this nation.”

Maria Corina Machado rejected Maduro’s victory and declared that Edmundo Gonzalez was the new president of Venezuela. Machado claimed that with 40% of the votes in his possession, Gonzalez had won with 70% of the votes, 40 percentage points ahead of Maduro. “This is the truth,” she stressed.

“We want to tell all Venezuelans in Venezuela and the entire world” that Gonzalez was victorious, said Machado, who led Gonzalez’s campaign after being barred from the election due to a 15-year political ban. “We have won in every state in the country.”

Edmundo González, a former diplomat who had never run for office, joined in the rejection of the results announced by the CNE: “Our fight continues and we will not rest until the will of the Venezuelan people is respected,” he declared. González added that electoral rules were violated in these elections and demanded that the electoral authorities present all the ballots cast by the voting machines to verify the counting data.

During a recent summit in Japan focused on regional security and democracy, Blinken criticized the Venezuelan government for its electoral practices and urged international support for free and fair elections.


“I want to speak quickly to the elections that just took place in Venezuela. We applaud the Venezuelan people for their participation in the July 28 presidential election,” said Blinken.

“We commend their courage and commitment to democracy in the face of repression and in the face of adversity. We’ve seen the announcement just a short while ago by the Venezuelan Electoral Commission. We have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people.

“It’s critical that every vote be counted fairly and transparently, that election officials immediately share information with the opposition and independent observers without delay, and that the electoral authorities publish the detailed tabulation of votes. The international community is watching this very closely and will respond accordingly,” he added.

While it is vital to call out authoritarian practices abroad, one cannot help but notice the irony of his silence regarding the widespread irregularities during the 2020 election cycle in the United States.

Many Republicans have long argued that the 2020 election was marred by significant irregularities, citing issues such as last-minute changes to voting procedures, questionable mail-in ballot practices, and allegations of voter fraud.

Despite numerous investigations and audits confirming these concerns, Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media have dismissed them as “baseless” or “unfounded.”

Secretary Blinken has joined a growing chorus of Latin American leaders in condemning Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.

The Gateway Hispanic reported:

Chilean President Gabriel Boric was one of the first to react to the CNE data declaring Maduro the winner, stating: “From Chile, we will not recognize any result that is not verifiable.” He questioned the credibility of the Maduro regime, demanding “total transparency of the ballots and the process” and the participation of “impartial international observers” to verify the results.

The Costa Rican government said in a statement that it “categorically” repudiates the proclamation of Maduro as president of Venezuela, considering it “fraudulent.” It added that it will work with democratic governments on the continent and international organizations to ensure that the will of the Venezuelan people is respected.

Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo said in X that Venezuela “deserves transparent and precise results that reflect the will of its people.”

In addition, the Peruvian government joined in the criticism, with its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Javier González-Olaechea, saying on the same platform that “in light of the very serious official announcements by the Venezuelan electoral authorities, the immediate recall for consultations of the Peruvian ambassador accredited in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been ordered.”

Argentine President Javier Milei said on his social media platform that his country would not recognize a “fraud” and that the world was waiting for the recognition of “defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death.”

The Gateway Hispanic also reported that among the expressions of support for Maduro, Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel stated that today “the dignity and courage of the Venezuelan people triumphed over pressure and manipulation” and congratulated Maduro on “this historic victory.”

Similarly, Honduran President Xiomara Castro, known for her close ties to the region’s narcotics regimes, endorsed Maduro’s fraud: “Our special congratulations and democratic, socialist, and revolutionary greetings to Nicolás Maduro and the brave people of Venezuela for their undeniable victory.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin also congratulated Maduro, stating, “I am confident that your activities at the head of state will continue to contribute to their progressive development in all directions.”


Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.



Tuesday, July 30, 2024

US and Israel bound forever? What Netanyahu’s Washington visit means

US and Israel bound forever? What Netanyahu’s Washington visit means

July 25, 2024

Unpopular at home, the prime minister has made every effort to convince his American allies he is indispensable
US and Israel bound forever? What Netanyahu’s Washington visit means

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made his first trip abroad since the events of October 7, 2023, with an important visit to Washington, DC. His plane, known as the Wing of Zion, landed in the US capital on Monday, July 22.

The skies were clear that day, but the political atmosphere in Washington was not. The US has been experiencing challenging times, marked by deep societal divisions and a seeming departure from the foundational values established by the Founding Fathers.

During his visit, Netanyahu faced strained relations with the Democratic Party. Many Democrats criticized his hardline stance on the Palestinian issue and allegations of corruption. These tensions were further heightened by Netanyahu’s repeated attempts to align himself with Republicans, giving the impression that he sought to influence US domestic politics. Additionally, former President Donald Trump expressed disappointment in Netanyahu for publicly congratulating Joe Biden on his 2020 election victory, viewing it as an act of disloyalty. This visit underscored not only Netanyahu’s efforts to strengthen US-Israeli ties but also highlighted the deep political divisions currently present within American society.

Netanyahu’s visit to the US had been planned well in advance, as part of ongoing diplomatic efforts. A month prior, on June 22, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant traveled to Washington. He held meetings with senior US officials, including Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The discussions covered security concerns along the Lebanese border, the ongoing conflict in Gaza, and its “third phase” that is supposed to follow the cessation of active hostilities in the enclave. The meetings also focused on defense cooperation between Israel and the US, a crucial element for the security of the Israeli state.

The situation in Gaza remains complex, causing significant tension in US-Israeli relations. The Israeli military continues operations to neutralize the threat posed by Hamas, often drawing criticism from the international community and segments of the American public. The Biden administration seeks to balance support for Israel with the need to provide humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians, sometimes leading to disagreements between the two nations. Nevertheless, the US and Israel continue to actively collaborate in defense and intelligence, a vital aspect of their strategic partnership. However, issues surrounding peaceful resolution, and the protection of Palestinian civilians remain contentious topics, complicating diplomatic relations.

What does Netanyahu seek from Washington?

The objectives of Netanyahu’s visit extended far beyond those of his defense minister. Netanyahu aimed to use his meeting with Biden and an address before Congress to restore his image as a staunch defender of Israel and to strengthen his ties with the American political elite. His last visit to Washington, in September 2020, was marked by the signing of a peace agreement with the United Arab Emirates, a significant diplomatic achievement facilitated by then-President Donald Trump.

The scheduled meeting with Biden, however, was postponed due to the US president’s Covid-19 infection, with no new date set. Netanyahu’s agenda also included meetings with Vice President Kamala Harris, who is likely preparing for her presidential run, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Netanyahu also planned a meeting with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

The primary goal of the visit, as stated by Israeli officials, was to appeal to American lawmakers for bipartisan support for Israel in its conflict with the Palestinian movement Hamas and other adversaries, including Iran and the “axis of resistance.” Amid political instability in Washington, Netanyahu sought to secure the backing of the US as a key ally in confronting anti-Israel forces.

In his address to Congress, Netanyahu sought to avoid confrontation with the Biden administration and emphasized the importance of supporting Israel. Despite some Democrats expressing intentions to boycott the speech due to Israel’s actions in Gaza, and protests occurring outside the Capitol from both American activists and Israeli democracy supporters, Netanyahu received a warm welcome with standing ovations as he entered the chamber.

He began his speech by thanking all the participants and referring to the venue as the “citadel of democracy.” He then stated that the “Iranian axis of terrorism” opposes America, Israel, and their Arab friends, framing the conflict not as a clash of civilizations but as a battle of “barbarians against civilization,” and asserted that “the US and Israel must stand together.”

His speech was well-prepared, highlighting the “brutality” of Palestinian militant groups. Netanyahu brought with him members of the Israeli military fighting in Gaza, including representatives of the Ethiopian and Bedouin communities, to demonstrate that “Muslims, Christians, and Jews” are fighting together to defend Israel. He addressed the issue of civilian casualties, insisting that for Israel, “the loss of civilian life is a tragedy, while for Hamas, it is a strategy.” Netanyahu called for providing the Israeli Defense Forces with “the necessary tools” to achieve victory, implying a request for American military aid.

As expected, Netanyahu praised Biden and the Democrats for their friendship and support for democratic Israel, while also expressing gratitude to Trump and the Republicans for their support, including the recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory and Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

In summary, Netanyahu’s visit was aimed at securing support, resolving current disagreements between Washington and West Jerusalem, and ensuring backing from future US administrations. Additionally, this visit served to bolster Netanyahu’s position within Israel, sending a message to the Israeli public that he maintains strong “allied relations” with the US, despite recent pressures.

Times have changed

The visit took place in a markedly different political landscape compared to the previous one. His government, the most conservative in Israel’s history, has faced significant challenges, including the tragic events of October 7, which were the largest attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Recent polls showed that 72% of Israelis want him to resign, either immediately or after the Gaza war is over. Despite the criticism and dissatisfaction, Netanyahu has retained power with a majority in the Knesset and avoided the threat of early elections.

Netanyahu’s visit to Washington occurred against a backdrop of global and regional shifts that could potentially be historic. Tensions on Israel’s northern borders have escalated, with open conflict with Hezbollah becoming a daily reality as both sides exchange strikes. The “axis of resistance” also continues its attacks on Western military targets in the region and Israel, while another round of escalation has been observed between the IDF and the Yemeni Houthi movement, Ansar Allah.

The Houthis launched an attack on Tel Aviv with a new drone called Jaffa on the night of July 19, prompting Israel to strike various targets in the port city of Hodeidah, Yemen, according to the Israeli army’s press office. The growing external threats are making it increasingly difficult for Israel to maintain security, with Netanyahu stating before his departure to Washington that Jerusalem was currently engaged in military actions on “seven fronts.”

However, Israel itself has played a role in intensifying the situation. On July 18, the Israeli Knesset passed a resolution rejecting the creation of a Palestinian state, citing it as a threat to Israel’s existence and its citizens. The resolution argued that establishing such a state on the West Bank would perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and destabilize the region. The authors of the resolution also claimed it would reward terrorism, bolstering Hamas and other radical forces.

The resolution was supported by Netanyahu’s coalition parties, right-wing opposition parties, and the centrist National Unity party led by Benny Gantz. The left-centrist party Yesh Atid, headed by Yair Lapid, opposed the resolution, advocating for a two-state solution, and walked out of the session. This all unfolded as Netanyahu prepared for his US visit, fully aware that such a decision by the Knesset could strain US-Israel relations, given the Democratic Party’s support for a two-state solution.

Moreover, there were signs of progress in resolving disputes among various Palestinian factions. On July 23, 14 Palestinian factions concluded three-day talks in China, signing the Beijing Declaration on reconciliation. The document called for the formation of a temporary government of national unity under the PLO after the war’s end. Signatories included Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Fatah. The main goal was to unite Palestinian institutions, hold general elections, and rebuild Gaza with support from Russia, China, and Algeria.

China, acting as a mediator, proposed a three-stage plan for resolving the Palestinian issue, including a ceasefire, reconstruction of Gaza, and full UN membership for Palestine. The Chinese side, represented by Foreign Minister Wang Yi, emphasized that Beijing had no selfish interests and supported the Palestinian people’s restoration of their legitimate rights. However, optimism about the implementation of the agreements under the Beijing Declaration should be tempered, as similar efforts in 2022 in Algeria remained on paper.

Thus, Netanyahu’s visit to the US was crucial for the Israeli government and the future of Israel. The times have indeed changed. Russia and China are actively expanding their influence in the Middle East, while Israel’s main ally, the US, appears to be losing its grip. Iran and various anti-Israel forces are growing stronger, expanding their military capabilities, and the Palestinians seem to recognize the importance of uniting their efforts for a common future. Even within the US, the situation is not smooth, with Biden stepping out of the presidential race, an assassination attempt on Trump, and a lack of unity among Democrats regarding support for Kamala Harris as a candidate in the upcoming election.

The region has been in turmoil for ten months, with no end in sight to the ongoing conflict. Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, as well as the Houthi movement, are intensifying, and anti-government protests continue within the country. Unfortunately, these developments suggest that the Promised Land may be on the brink of its most challenging period since 1948. This sentiment was echoed by Netanyahu, as well as by Gallant during his own visit to Washington.

The US has been and will always remain Israel’s most important ally, regardless of who occupies the Oval Office, as the protection of “Israel's friends” is paramount. The recent US military transport flights over Turkey to Syria and Iraq indicate that Washington is preparing for a worsening situation. However, the strength of support will largely depend on the election campaign and the outcome of the presidential election. However, Netanyahu seeks to assure both Democrats and Republicans that “Israel and the US are allies forever.” The citizens of Israel must also understand the importance of Netanyahu, as only he can protect them, and no one else has such strong and enduring ties with Washington, which will also help Israel.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Now Comes the Great Cackle That Saved America

Now Comes the Great Cackle That Saved America

Hurrah, they finally took away Grandpa Joe’s keys. Fortunately, the political upheaval that is sure to follow is no joke. Actually, it begs to turn out more like the Great Cackle that saved America.

What we mean is that the collective Dem Hive on the banks of the Potomac not only defenestrated “Joe Biden” from a second floor White House window, and did so unceremoniously and without regard for his frail infirmities, but it also effectively knee-capped the credibility of the whole Democrat Party by coronating Kamala Harris in one instantaneous fell swoop. And that’s the real hurrah!The Great Money Bubble... Stockman, David A. Best Price: $2.02 Buy New $10.98 (as of 11:22 UTC - Details)

After all, the Dems held a “primary” in which 15 million of the party faithful voted for “Joe Biden” because the party insiders had instituted up to 60 rules changes and process maneuvers that closed the door to all competition—most especially Robert Kennedy Jr. Indeed, these procedural roadblocks were so daunting that they surely would have prevented even FDR or the Lord Jesus Christ himself from challenging their handpicked champion of “saving democracy” in America.

Yet these same warriors for “democracy” have already—-within hours of the Tweet signed by “Joe Biden”—anointed Kamala Harris as the new presumptive nominee. Never mind what the 3,896 delegates “pledged” to Joe Biden might think or even what the 747 superdelegates pledged to the donor class might prefer. The beltway insiders and their K-street capos were not about to have an open convention—lest an unseemly row in Chicago open the door to a Trumpian return to the Oval Office. And that’s absolutely verboten because, well, democracy.

In any event, never before has a major party jettisoned its “presumptive nominee” less than 15 weeks before election day. Even in the case of Lyndon Johnson’s unexpected exit in 1968 his withdrawal happened in March, and no shadowy clique of Washington insiders and careerists put a horse’s head in his bed, either.

In fact, LBJ could read the polls like few others. And after the Tet Offensive in February 1968 and Uncle Walter Cronkite’s pronouncement that the Vietnam war was lost, he could see that his chances for another term were doomed, as well.

Moreover, LBJ didn’t just send a courier to drop-off a bland statement at the White House press room on a Sunday afternoon. To the contrary, he spoke to the American public directly from the Oval Office, leaving no doubt that it was his decision to drop out of the race, and that he would be deploying his ample political energies and savvy to steering the then wobbling ship of state for the balance of his term.

After Sunday’s insider rug-pull, however, “Joe Biden’s” swan song couldn’t have contrasted more sharply. As one wag noted today,

The most consequential decision of Joe Biden’s presidency was executed by tweet Sunday, via a screenshot of a letter, posted at 1:46 p.m. There was no press conference, video, or photo commemorating any human being’s participation in the event. The letter wasn’t posted on the White House briefing room site, even as lesser news (including a statement purporting to quote Biden at length on “climate pollution reduction grants”) was posted yesterday. It was furthermore written neither on presidential stationery nor under campaign letterhead and appeared rushed, thanking Vice President Kamala Harris for “being an extraordinary partner,” but not endorsing her.

In a second tweet 27 minutes later, however, @JoeBiden announced, “Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.” Papers from The Washington Post to The New York Times reported Biden “wrote in a letter he posted” or “said in a statement” he was dropping out. However, we didn’t hear from any official spokesperson, not even deputy platforms director Andy Volosky (who reportedly runs Biden’s Twitter account), explaining how the announcement came to be. To say a president breaking up with America via digital post-it note is bizarre is a massive understatement.

So, yes, there is a fair question as to who is America’s actual president right now? Obama? The Clintons? A billionaire donors’ clique? Or the Deep State blob that oozes through the White House walls regardless of which wing of the UniParty actually has the conn?

Still, the Sunday contretemps may yet become America’s salvation. Give Kamala three months on the campaign trail and the Dems will become so politically demoralized, ideologically befuddled and electorally marginalized that the once majority party in America could well go the way of the 1852 Whig Party’s ticket.

Even then, the Whig nominee, General Winfield Scott, lost the south, the election and the party for the admirable reason that he was no friend of slavery. Kamala will loose it all, of course, because she has been a clamorous champion of the woke, DEI, climate crisis obsessed catechism of the Washington political elites, even as the Dem working class base in Flyover America has been forfeited to the Trumpian GOP.

As Lionel Shriver of Unherd put it in a piece published right before Sunday’s upheaval, “Joe Biden’s” 48 months ago DEI hire for the Veep spot on his ticket may well prove to be the nail in the Dem coffin.

Kamala pushes the whole progressive DEI shtick. You can hardly blame her, since it’s an obsession with “identity”, competence be damned, that got her where she is today. The sole reason Biden picked the woman for VP to begin with — who had, remember, all but called him a racist during the 2020 debates — was her status as a triple token: female, check, black, check, and as a cherry-on-the-sundae sweetener, South Asian, check. As a president, she’d be so painfully out of her depth that the progressive hard leftists who’ve clearly manipulated Biden’s policies are probably salivating, because controlling Kamala’s agenda could be even easier.

….. (she won’t) do that much better than when she ran for president the first time, then proving so unpopular even in her own state of California that she bowed out before testing herself in a single primary. Never underestimate the far-Left-led party’s capacity to utterly misread the electorate and nominate some Witless Woke Weirdo —

……If Kamala Harris takes Biden’s place at the top of the ticket, I’m still a double hater, and I’m still agonized over which presidential candidate I revile the more. She’s an intellectual lightweight — and I’m being polite. She cannot think on her feet. I’ve never heard her say anything original or observant; at her best, she simply recites the party line. At her worst, she’s too lazy to memorize the party line, for she has a history of not bothering to do her homework before official appearances. Much like Jill Biden, she often resorts to the persona of a kindergarten teacher. She comes across as a fake, and most voters — most people, even children — are keenly attuned to artifice. (Trump is an asshole, but at least he’s genuinely an asshole.) She has a reputation as personally unpleasant, helping to explain why she’s run through staff like disposable cutlery.

Kamala is (also) an atrocious orator. Should she secure the nomination, her vapid, meaningless, repetitious, and asinine rhetoric during her vice presidency has gifted the Trump campaign with a series of upcoming TV adverts that will be not only devastating but winningly hilarious. Brace yourself for whole 30-second spots that do nothing but splice episodes of Kamala’s signature nervous cackle back-to-back.

So nothing could have been more beneficial to RFK’s third-party insurgency than the overnight coronation of Kamala Harris. And that’s not merely because of her hideous stage presence or that she was the ostensible Border Czar during a period in which 10 million illegals allegedly invaded the southern border.

No, RFK’s real opening is that Kamala is the very epitome of the bi-coastal elite’s takeover of the Dem party. As the astute alternative media commentator, Micheal Tracey said today, once again they have made a shambles of “democracy”:

Kamala received zero delegates in 2020, muscled her way to VP through “insider” machinations, received zero delegates in 2024, now muscling her way to a presidential nomination through “insider” machinations. Owes her entire ascendance to Dem Party elites, as opposed to voters

These Dem insiders, in turn, have become so infected with the twin ills of the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and the identity politics of the leftist intelligentsia (sic!) that it now stands for the very opposite of what sensible Democrats of the 1960s stood for during the era of the martyred John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy.

For crying out loud, Kamala is a war-hawk who has no clue that Ukraine is irrelevant to the homeland security of America. Or that NATO, which has outlived its usefulness by more than three decades, is nothing more than a global marketing organization for the the military-industrial complex.

Likewise, she does not even remotely recognize that the public debt, now at $35 trillion, is inexorably heading for a catastrophic $150 trillion by mid-century under UniParty policies. Or even that the rogue money-printers at the Federal Reserve have enabled this fiscal disaster—along with the unspeakable windfall gains from the vastly inflated financial assets held by the top 1%.

Furthermore, where was Kamala when the Biden administration was forcing 250 million American arms to receive the inadequately tested and unsafe clot shots? Or when Biden Administration apparatchiks were busy browbeating the social media into crushing any dissent from these misbegotten mandates?The Great Deformation:... David Stockman Best Price: $4.26 Buy New $8.99 (as of 05:50 UTC - Details)

Indeed, for all her race-howling we doubt Kamala even recognizes that the First Amendment’s protections of  freedom of speech, the press, assembly and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances was the bedrock upon which the scourge of racial segregation and discrimination was excised from the land.

In short, RFK now has a tremendous opening to reel-in enough battleground state electoral votes to send Kamala to the showers and deprive Trump of the requisite 270 votes in the Electoral College. In that respect, a current Zogby poll shows that in a two-way race with Trump RFK comes out on top by 57% to 43%; and that in a three-way race he is garnering 22% and rising rapidly.

So, yes, the Great Cackler may cause such a severe erosion of the Dem vote to RFK that it forces the election into the US House of Representatives for the first time in 200 years.

In turn, that means that after the impending Harris campaign debacle of the next 105 days, one thing is rather certain. To wit, only RFK will be positioned to stop the Donald in the US House. By January 2025 the Kamala-demoralized and diminished Blue State delegations will have no other place to go.

Reprinted with permission from David Stockman’s Contra Corner.



Sunday, July 28, 2024

The 2020 Great Conjunction: Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

The 2020 Great Conjunction: Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

December 14, 2020

Known as “the great conjunction,” the cyclical conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn that occurs every twenty years has been the preeminent method of demarcating historical eras in traditional astrology. When Jupiter and Saturn come together there is both the intensity of old forms dying as well as the fertility of new growth beginning to take shape. In the past century, their cycle has aligned with the transition in between decades, with the conjunctions and oppositions between Jupiter and Saturn marking the start of each decade. For example, there was a Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in 1980, an opposition in 1990, a conjunction in 2000, and an opposition in 2010. Jupiter and Saturn form their next conjunction on December 21 of 2020 in the first degree of Aquarius, and so most of 2020 took place during the end of their cycle. There has been an atmosphere of anticipation building during the year of being on the precipice of a new era, while simultaneously old issues have resurfaced in need of resolution.

Together Jupiter and Saturn combine expansive and imaginative vision with the structure and discipline needed to both manifest results as well as strip away the inessential. While Jupiter signifies generosity and fortunate opportunities, it can also lead to egoic greed and delusions of grandeur that requires the contemplative focus of Saturn to trim the excess and strengthen what is ready to ripen. At the same time, we need the inspirational revitalization of Jupiter to mediate the negative side of Saturn that can bring fear over limitations and obstacles and lead to depressive stagnation. During 2020, we have been dancing in a constant balancing act of tempering between Jupiter and Saturn, with a need to shift in between the synthesizing growth of Jupiter and the methodical reordering of Saturn.

Though the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn every twenty years is always important, their union in 2020 has special and extraordinary significance. Jupiter and Saturn have a pattern of forming their conjunctions in the same element of astrology for approximately two hundred years, such as occurring in water signs from the beginning of the fifteenth century until the beginning of the seventeenth century and in fire signs from the beginning of the seventeenth century until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Since 1802 the Saturn and Jupiter conjunctions have been occurring in earth signs, with the final one occurring on May 28 of 2000 in Taurus. After the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in 2020, there will continue to only be conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn in tropical air signs until 2159.

Thus, 2020 is the end of a two-hundred-year era of Jupiter and Saturn uniting in earth signs. While the earth element signifies focus on material security and consolidation of resources that is resistant to change, the era of air will bring disruption to established orders and dramatic changes in collective ideas and the way we communicate.

Vitally, not only will Jupiter and Saturn be uniting in Aquarius, they will also be forming a catalytic square aspect with Uranus in Taurus. At this pivotal moment in our journey, the lightning bolts of Jupiter and Uranus will not only bring down old societal structures but will also impel us to release old personal dreams and drama we have been attached to. There will be new challenges and unknown potential arising as we begin a new era of Jupiter and Saturn that we will need to make space for in our lives. During 2020 ask yourself what you need to leave behind and what you truly desire to carry forward.





There are some significant midpoints on the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of 2020. 

Using a 45 degree modulation (Harmonic 8 aspects), the Uranus/Pluto midpoint is a scant 3 minutes away from this conjunction. And the Mars/Uranus midpoint is just 24 minutes away. Those are significant and highly volatile midpoints. They also under score the Uranian influence of the great conjunction chart.

I decided to post this now because transiting Pluto hit the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in January of this year and is currenting retrograding back over it. It will hit this conjunction again at the end of August and one last time in November (shortly after the U.S. election). Pluto will station between those last two hits (very intense period between the end of August and mid/late November.) But of course its currently so close to that conjunction that it's influence will be felt all the way through 2024.

To top everything else off. On election day (Nov 5) Transiting Mars will be opposing Transiting Pluto right on the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction that occurred in 2020.

Mars, Pluto, Uranus all point to fireworks on election day to put it mildly.

It's going to be a wild time for sure but I guess no one needs for me to tell them that. Pluto is saying things need to change and the changes will be permanent. But of course the institutions who run things don't want the type of change that is coming so I think things will get very eventful to put it mildly. 

Astrology is an ancient symbol language which is basically a study of time and the symbols don't lie.

But one thing to keep in mind during the coming turmoil...Time is essentially an illusion because Creation is finished and I AM always with you...

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Real Boss of Congress Comes to Town

The Real Boss of Congress Comes to Town

New York – According to Britain’s esteemed medical journal, The Lancet, 186,000 Palestinian adults and children have so far been killed or died of disease in Gaza. Nearly 600 Palestinians have been killed on the Israeli-occupied West Bank. 10,000 Palestinians languish in Israeli prisons.

The official Arab death toll to date is 39,670, including more than 15,000 children.  Close to 80,000 Palestinians have been wounded.

Israel says 1,139 Israelis were killed.  Half of Gaza’s homes have been destroyed by constant shelling, bombing and tank fire. Polio has just broken out in Gaza and the UN repots mass starvation there.  Animals in Gaza – mainly horses and donkeys – have suffered terribly.

This is not a `war,’ as the media calls it. It’s an ongoing massacre, shooting fish in a barrel.

The two men who made possible this huge massacre, Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu and outgoing US President Joe Biden, met this week in Washington to talk about their ‘success’ in Gaza.  Many members of US Congress applauded Netanyahu like trained seals.

Meanwhile, the US shipped thousands more 500lb and 2,000lb bombs and 105mm tank shells to Israel in violation of America’s own arms export laws.  The arrest warrant issued against Netanyahu by the International Court of Justice was ignored by the US, which refuses to recognize the world court.  And for good reason.  Former President George W. Bush who committed a massive war crime in the trumped-up war against Iraq would have been arrested and put on trial.  Add Biden and Tony Blair to this list of malefactors.

The US atomic bomb that destroyed the Japanese city of Nagasaki killed an estimated 40,000. That puts the current death and wounded toll in Gaza within the range of Nagasaki – just at a slower pace.  The number of dead and wounded at Hiroshima was around 70,000. Mass sickness and starvation ensued – as it is today in Gaza.

Many misinformed Americans and supporters of Israel still applaud Biden.  They are wrong. He has blackened America’s name and disgraced the nation with its role in the Gaza massacre and made a mockery of the UN.

At least presidential candidate Kamala Harris has done the right thing by calling for the creation of a Palestinian state.  She is already under fire from Israel’s extreme right-wing parties. They are obsessed by the potent Palestinian birth rate.  Inside Israel, they talk about ways to slow down the Arab birth rate in the West Bank and Gaza.  2,000 bombs are an effective way.

Many Americans know nothing of this genocide.  Their very biased news networks show little of the horrors of Gaza.  The only network that does effective reporting from Gaza is Al-Jazeera. I expect it will soon be banned ‘for supporting terrorism.’  The next target of the far right will be social media.  Young Americans who watch internet news are demonstrating across the country precisely because they have more access to real news than older Americans who watch the heavily censored biased major networks.

At the base of American politics vast sums of money remain the dominant factor.  Half of the money flowing to the Biden administration has reportedly come from pro-Israel Democratic sources.  Wall Street remains the giant cash cow for pro-Israel forces.  Donald Trump is being given $100 million alone by the billionaire Israeli-American widow of Las Vegas gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson.  That will buy an awful lot of the small-town used car salesmen who make up our corrupt Congress.


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