Sunday, February 4, 2024

Every U.S. Senator Has Taken AIPAC Money

Every U.S. Senator Has Taken AIPAC Money

Writes Patrick Foy:

You don’t hear any objections from the U.S. Senate regarding whatever Israel does, no matter how outrageous. 

Nothing new about that. Senator William Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated on Face the Nation in 1973: Israel controls the U.S. Senate. Anything Israel wants, Israel gets. In brief, Israel owns the Senate. Follow the money. See link below.

The U.S. Senate has been bought and paid for by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is a front organization. AIPAC should logically be registered as a foreign agent, a lobbying agent for a foreign government. Arguably, it is the most powerful lobby in Washington.

It should not be allowed to funnel money to Washington officials who are in charge of U.S. foreign policy. These officials turn around and write a check every year in “foreign aid” to Israel totaling billions of dollars, not including military hardware. It’s a circular arrangement, a racket.



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