Friday, June 23, 2023

Mundane Astrology...Saturn Pluto Conjunction 2020

Mundane Astrology...Saturn Pluto Conjunction 2020

Things Never to be the Same Again

The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto at 22º46 Capricorn in January 2020 brings together the powerful fatal energies of both these planets – the Reckoning of Saturn with the Purging of Pluto – and so augurs a severely difficult and penalising time for the institutions that govern society and those in positions of power, particular those who have abused their power rather than doing their duty to society (see Saturn in Capricorn and Pluto in Capricorn). This involves a crumbling of the structures in society that have maintained the status quo, an irretrievable weakening of systems and organisations and a crystalisation of turmoil. It signifies a peak in the profound and destructive power struggle between those using all their power and resources to make a desperate last ditch attempt to keep things as they are and those who are caught up in the collective surge towards inevitable change through purging what is corrupt and not-fit-for-purpose.

This conjunction signifies a time of serious weakening and destruction, when irreparable damage to the current establishment and status quo will be inflicted, giving birth to a major shift in power. When we can expect some major crisis which will intensify the demise of the current systems and bring society-changing upheaval and a death of the old ways, something ground-changing, perhaps the fall of governments, mass protests, strikes, economic collapse or a war of some kind, which means things can never be the same again.

This surge towards change will primarily be lead by those born at a time of previous Saturn Pluto conjunctions ie 1982-1983 and 1946-1948, destined to be political activists and to do something serious about the corruption in governments in order to overturn outdated systems and rules and to bring in new ones.

It can mean suffering, isolation or an end for those who have abused their power for selfish purposes rather than acting responsibly for the good of society and for those towards whom they have a duty of care. Punishment, penalties or imprisonment for the sins of greed, lust, power-lust, selfish ambition, the secret hoarding of wealth, hidden cruelty, lies, corruption, being unjustly punishing and harsh on those less fortunate, using the armed services and police for selfish protection rather than the protection of the people. It will bring the demise of those in positions of power as well as the institutions they run, who have been irresponsible and corrupt. Though all are likely to suffer hardships as new systems are founded and built up out of the wreckage and new ways are gradually introduced. It heralds a dark and difficult time that requires responsible, concerted effort to expose and eliminate what is rotten in order to bring about new ways of governing and organising society, in the interests of society as a whole, and not just those at the top of the hierarchy.


Economic crisis.

Mass protests, war and riots from a divided society.

The fall of neo-liberalism. The fall of the US as the dominant power. The fall of global institutions such as the EU, NATO, IMF, world banking. The demise of corrupt governments and the Conservative government in the UK.

Justice served on those who have hidden their riches and avoided taxes (taxes which should be used for the good of society as a whole), self-serving, greedy and corrupt bankers, ministers, MPs, councillors, business leaders and any in positions of power who have abused that power, those responsible for the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy, the Hillsborough disaster and the injustice during the UK miners strike – punished, dismissed, jailed, fined. 

A violent backlash from the West’s involvement in the Afghan, Iraqi and Libyan wars, as well as the attempted destruction of ISIS, the support of Israel against Palestine and in general the unfair treatment of the Islamic world by the Christian one.

The birth of a new political and economic world order. Changes in rulers and governments. New laws to limit irresponsible banking and economic policy.



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