Mundane Astrology...America’s First Pluto Return and the Jupiter Saturn Synod

America’s first Pluto Return has arrived. It comes accompanied by a new Jupiter Saturn synod. It promises to change America.
The study of Plutonian transits often is a path to uncovering corruption and decay in civilizations. Now in America there are numerous corruptions that must be brought into the awareness of the millions of persons who have been karmically entrusted with the bounty they experience. This bounty is a result of centuries of the good and fair practices of the American peoples. It is why America was the hope of the world in the Twentieth Century. That includes its actions in the two world wars and in the containment of the false religion of Soviet communism until it collapsed in upon itself.
America’s present Plutonian episode began with the opposition by transiting Pluto to its natal Sun, Jupiter and Venus in Cancer. It is continuing now because the problems presented then were not solved. America is still the hope of the world, but it must reestablish itself based on the root ideas of its founding some two hundred and fifty years ago. The principles on which it was founded are based on eternal truths. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and consent of the governed are the gifts of our Creator, and they are based on eternal immutable laws. The laws will always remain. They were practiced in the ancient Roman Republic and in ancient Greece especially in the age of Pericles. These laws never change. They existed before mankind walked the Earth, and they will still exist long after the solar system is but a few bits of dust. The test we are undergoing today is a cleansing. Whether we go through this re-adjustment or perish as free peoples is what is being determined here. The struggle now is to purify these ancient truths and to reestablish them in our way of life.
America is being attacked by a new religion. It is made up of many different believers, but in main, it is a religion based on the worship of mankind that precludes its relationship to a higher power. The Declaration says we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights… This is a statement that we live under eternal laws that derive from a higher power. The more these laws are violated, ignored or forgotten, the more likely our civilization will crumble. The more closely they are observed, the more likely our civilization will thrive and bring great good to its people.
So the Plutonian Return that is upon us will root out and make clear the violations of these laws. For the injustice practiced by human beings will always bend back and focus its energy on those who applied it. That turning back or karmic forcing will always destroy those who try to use it for their own power alone. Serving the public good is working in the Law; achieving power by any means for power’s sake will ultimately destroy those seeking power.
People are aware that there is a force abroad that would destroy the values that have made America one of the best places to live on this planet. All of this self-serving has now come to the surface, and it is laying the seeds for a war between those who fight for their own power and those who will use power for the public good by alignment with the Laws created by a Higher Power. The field of battle is ego versus Eternal Law.
The false gods that are worshipped today, the placing of man on the altar, this is the dilemma that Americans must meet and overcome.
That it is Plutonian energy will require war. It is a war against a false religion that has grown up in the last few decades in America. Plutonian war, like that fought against the Nazi’s, will have to involve a total rooting out of this new religion. It has differing names like Wokieism or progressivism, but it is simply another false god springing up seemingly out of nowhere, a worshipping the fatted calf in whatever form that may take, like the Jacobins during the French Revolution worshipping at their Temple of Reason. There is nothing new about this phenomenon.
If not rooted out, America as a hope for the world will be lost.
This problem touches all levels of our culture. It exists in our lower schools, in our universities, in our state governments, in Washington, in our media, and in many corporations. And that is where the war will have to be fought. And that is the work of the next twenty years.
The Last Jupiter Saturn Synodic Pluto Experience
It was sixty years ago, when on January 20, 1961, John F Kennedy took the oath of office and was sworn in as president of the United States.
At that time, a synodic conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn was making the conjunction to the natal USA Pluto, located at 27°32′ Capricorn.
Of course, the astrological configurations were a bit different then. History never repeats itself exactly.
The conjunction was exact (March2, 1961: Jupiter 27° Capricorn | Saturn 26° Capricorn) on the US Pluto (July 4, 1776 chart) a month after Kennedy’s inauguration, and it remained exact throughout the first week of March, 1961.
This 1960’s synodic conjunction of the US Pluto would place its stamp on the next twenty years of US history.
Sometimes these twenty year cycles pass smoothly, and they are subtle and unseen. At other times the cycle can precipitate a wild ride full of crazy happenings.
America in 1961 was living out the last days of a calm and prosperous fifteen years. This nation ruled supreme in the world. It included a huge and prosperous middle class. Around the planet there were no major wars, because its two term president, who served out the last eight years of a twenty year cycle, President Eisenhower, was especially capable in cooling down the angers that such a war had birthed.
Yet the next twenty years would bring a Plutonian maelstrom.
The new president won the election by a few thousand votes. Out of 68 million votes cast, Kennedy had won by 113,000 votes. There were questions about the validity of that election. Speaker Rayburn and Senator Johnson owned Texas politically, and after the votes had been counted in Texas, poll workers suddenly found extra votes, conveniently enough to win Texas for Kennedy. Also, in Chicago, Illinois, very late in the evening, Mayor Dailey’s poll workers miraculously discovered thousands of extra votes, enough to swing that state to Kennedy. Yet it was still close, and Nixon chose not to contest it.
This election was in effect Richard Nixon’s to loose. He was popular, and had been respected for years by many Americans, while Kennedy was a relative unknown. And Nixon was a Plutonian. Pluto in his Tenth House was in exact opposition to his Mars, and it closely opposed his Mercury and Jupiter in the 4th House. Pluto gave him the powerful drive needed to become one of history’s players. Plutonian statesmen often achieve great things. Nixon did achieve many things as president, and we will cover them later. But during his first presidential election (1960) he grew listless, lethargic. There were the moments when his mind went blank, and there were the mistakes. He made a bad mistake in choosing Henry Cabot Lodge, ex-senator of Massachusetts as his vice presidential running mate. Lodge brought nothing to the campaign. Further, there were no states that would vote for Nixon because Lodge was on the ticket. In fact, Lodge hardly campaigned at all.
By contrast, Kennedy asked Lyndon Johnson, Senator from Texas, to be his running mate.
Johnson brought in Texas and a few adjoining states.
Nixon also pledged to campaign in every state. Another bad decision. The burden of traveling to every state wore him out. At the first televised presidential debate in American history, Nixon arrived rumpled and tired, and he did not make a good impression on the millions of Americans watching.
Plutonian energy has a way at times of reversing itself into lethargy, and that lethargy is what cost Nixon the election.
This is a common occurrence in history. Consider Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, and his behavior following the battle of Cannae (August 2, 216 BC); he was listless, empty, when he could have marched on Rome and wiped it out. Or MacArthur’s listlessness in the middle of the first Japanese attack on the Philippines. Or Napoleon on the morning of Waterloo (June 18, 1815) remaining in his tent empty-minded, blanked out.
Kennedy’s First Plutonian Crisis

A year and a half into his presidency, Kennedy was confronted with his first big crisis, a possible nuclear war with the Soviet Union. History labels it the Cuban Missile Crisis, and it was a Plutonian episode.
High altitude US spy planes flying over Cuba had photographed the Soviet Union installing intermediate range nuclear missiles that could in minutes reach most cities in America. It was a power play involving the potential death of millions. The response required war-like courage. Wrong action then could possibly destroy human civilization. And Kennedy rose to the occasion. His administration ended the crisis by encircling the Soviet Union with a necklace of B-52 bombers carrying nuclear tipped missiles targeted on all its major cities and military bases. Then it blockaded Cuba with naval war ships. The Soviets gave in and began dismantling their missiles in Cuba. It was over. Kennedy, standing on the edge of this dark abyss, met the test with high courage. Having taken the American people through this emergency, he became a national hero.
A year and a half later on national television before millions of people, President Kennedy was assassinated. This assassination was possibly a conspiracy.
Pluto rules deadly peril. Pluto rules assassination. It rules conspiracy.
Lyndon Johnson

Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president on November 22, 1963. Using the dawn chart (his mother wrote in her diary that he was born at sunrise), Pluto elevated in the 10thHouse and on the cusp of the 11th House. He spent most of his adult working years working in the Congress, first as an aide to a Texas representative, then as a member of the House himself, then as a senator. He rose to power in Congress with hard work supported by a close knit and effective team. Close knit teams are defined by Pluto and Scorpio energies. In 1960, before the nominating convention held in Los Angeles, the Kennedy brothers, John and Robert Kennedy, weighed the realities. They did not like Johnson very much, but they knew he could provide votes from Texas and possibly from New Mexico and Arkansas and other states. He would be their choice.
Johnson provided the votes. Kennedy won the election. Then, he essentially ignored his vice-president for the next three years. It was humiliating for Johnson and he was powerless to do anything about it. In fact, he had lost the enormous power that he had held in the Senate. Pluto rules humiliation resulting from the loss of power.
During that period, transiting Pluto was conjunct his natal Sun, Moon and Mercury, and its influence was only to lift in August of 1963.
He became president by assassination. His long experience in Washington had taught him where all the levers of power lay, and he manipulated them with practiced mastery. The American people appreciated this. A little over a year later, he was easily re-nominated and elected president.
Pluto: Bondage and Freedom
As chief executive he achieved things of which none of his contemporaries were capable. A primary issue of that era grew out of a residual effect of the American Civil War— it had to do with Jim Crow, a term that describes the forcing of African Americans into a subservient class. For this group there were neither good jobs, nor good housing, nor adequate schools. It was a faux slavery, worse in the Southern states, but in practice all over America.
Johnson’s legerdemain in Congress got civil right laws passed that no one else could have accomplished. The new laws had the effect of freeing a people who had been in semi-bondage for a century. It was a Plutonian but generally peaceful remediation. And no one else could have done it. The civil rights laws were his greatest contributions to America.
The Vietnam War
Johnson was presented with another great challenge.
He was a politician; yet, he knew nothing about war.
Pluto is war. It has its own laws. A politician cannot often talk his way out of a war. Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in the late 1930’s, was never able to talk Adolph Hitler out of a war, and on May 10th 1940, that office would go to Winston Churchill, who knew everything about war.

World War II, President Roosevelt’s war, almost seemed to be effortlessly won. For America, the kinetic war took only three years and eight months to win. True, the American deaths amounted to 450,000, but German deaths were 5.5 million, and the Russians lost 27 million, and Japanese deaths were roughly 3 million and Chinese deaths were roughly 16 million. In fact, the Second World War caused somewhere between 65 and 70 million deaths. Roosevelt was gifted with political genius and war genius. In WWI he served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. He often visited Europe on official business during that war, and at its end he observed the Wilsonian muddle at Versailles. He closely observed the politicians and generals. And he learned from them.
He was a brilliant administrator. He tended to choose first rate generals and admirals. He chose George Marshal to run the army, promoting him above hundreds of other generals. Marshal retired the time-serving generals, mostly promoted by tenure, and rebuilt his military with first rate colonels and one stars. Today their names are legendary: Eisenhower, Patton, Ridgeway, Bradley, Taylor, and many others.
The art of art is simplicity. It all seemed so easy for Roosevelt. But Roosevelt’s genius was in the same league as Washington’s and Lincoln’s. Those leaders who followed Roosevelt learned that decisions are neither simple nor easy.
After an extensive series of job interviews in the Oval Office, Johnson chose William Westmorland to run the war in Vietnam. Westmorland had been an Eagle Scout, and he rose to the position of First Captain of Cadets at West Point. He was handsome and looked the part of an officer.
Mostly he was an office politician—he was no Patton or MacArthur or LeMay, the three greatest generals in the American Army in the Second World War.
“Westy”, as he liked be called, was neither a real nor an experienced combat officer. He commanded the American military in Vietnam for four long, sad years, mostly to no effect. And President Johnson’s command structure was even worse. His Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, had no experience in combat. Even worse, his Joint Chiefs of Staff, Earl Wheeler, also had no experience in combat.
When the Vietnam War began to go bad, Johnson sought talks with the North Vietnamese. He suggested a ceasefire. The North Vietnamese were proficient in war, and they were having none of it. Their goals were two. First, to defeat the South Vietnamese government; second, to defeat the Americans. At the height of the war there were a half million American soldiers in Vietnam and the army was nowhere close to victory. General Westmoreland was totally ineffectual and fought the war as if it were army against army, like what had occurred in the Second World War. Rather, it was an insurgent war and it should have been fought as such.
It is possible that he was a little bit stupid. The beautiful boy, the Eagle Scout, the Captain of Cadets seemed to reach his pinnacle around that time of graduation from West Point. In the Second World War he was hardly ever in combat, preferring instead to serve on various staffs. The same was true in the Korean War. Further, he never attended the higher levels of study the Army offered. Unlike Eisenhower and Patton and most of the competent generals, he never attended the Army War College or other military schools. According to his contemporaries and to those closest to him, it was said that he never read books. He was a master at making a good first impression, but behind the beautiful boy, the handsome man, perhaps there was a mind that was a little bit dull.
Johnson simply did not know how to fight wars. Not understanding its inexorable laws, it destroyed him. By the time American deaths reached 10% of the death rate of World War II, a “credibility gap” was opening (the “gap” was that Johnson and Westmoreland were telling lies about the progress of the war). There were riots in the cities, and the young were refusing to go to the other side of the world only to die as cannon fodder. It was over. He announced he would not run for a second term.
Nixon Agon

Richard Nixon’s achievements outstrip those of the other presidents with whom he shared this twenty year cycle.
It was on his watch that for the first time in recorded human history human beings walked on the Moon.
Nixon ended the Vietnam War mess, which he inherited from Johnson and Westmoreland.
Nixon understood war. War is straight direct force, and he fought it that way. A brief look at Nixon’s chart shows that he possessed the war gift. He had an intuitive understanding of its requirements. The closest aspect in the chart has Pluto sitting in his 10th House opposing Mars exactly and Mercury-Jupiter closely in the 4th House. This opposition was his sword, the tool he used to carry out every high achievement in his life.
Sudden Fame
Transiting Uranus conjoined his natal Pluto in August, 1948, when Nixon was a first term congressman from California. At that time he was involved in a congressional investigation, in which Alger Hiss, a former high ranking State Department official, was accused of being a Soviet spy. In a few weeks Nixon went from being an unknown congressman, to one of the most famous politicians in America. This sudden ascent to power is also Plutonian. In 1950, he ran for the US Senate in California and won. And in 1952, as repayment by General Eisenhower for smoothing his way to the presidential nomination at the Republican Convention in Chicago, he was chosen as the general’s vice presidential candidate.
Those who ascend to power on Plutonian energy must often undergo Pluto’s obverse. His apprenticeship to Eisenhower was difficult. Eisenhower himself with Pluto natally in his 10th House went through a very long obverse of Pluto as a lowly major: He spent twenty years learning the lessons of Pluto. Nixon would also spend many years learning these lessons.
He was assigned a nasty political job. He was tasked with the McCarthy problem, namely, to destroy the demagogue. Which he carried out, quietly, behind the scenes, and for which he never received much credit. He was sent by Eisenhower to many places in the world where they hated Americans, and in some of those places like his visit to Venezuela, his life was placed in danger. Yet his travels taught him the politics of the nations. Eisenhower gave his protégé an infinitely valuable education. In addition, there was talk in the Eisenhower administration that Nixon should be replaced as vice president in the coming election. Eisenhower allowed this talk to continue, thereby applying enormous psychological pressure on Nixon. While he bore up under it very well, Nixon was learning about the obverse of Pluto’s influence.
Plutonians do not give up. After leaving office in 1961, Nixon ran for governor of California. It was a poorly run campaign and he lost. Then he moved to New York City, joined a high-end law firm, and practiced law. At the same time he was running for president. This time he did it right; he built up a huge following among grassroot Republicans, traveling everywhere and giving speeches, writing articles for major publications, and showing up for numerous TV appearances. This time his campaign was more organized; rather than visiting every state in the union, he concentrated on those that he needed to win. And he chose a vice-presidential candidate who could swing states in his favor. Plus he solved the media problems he had suffered from in 1960. Roger Ailes, the media consultant and television producer, facilitated his appearance before the public. Nixon, under Ailes tutelage, was the first public figure to hold a series of televised town hall meetings. They were extremely successful. In 1968, he was elected president.
On September 3rd, 1971, two White House staffers, Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy, illegally entered the offices of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist, Lewis Fielding. They were looking for material that might discredit Ellsberg, who had released classified papers dealing with studies on the Vietnam War. That night, transiting Pluto was 9 minutes away from being an exact square to Nixon’s natal Pluto and Mars. On June 17, 1972, transiting Pluto was at 29° Virgo20′, less than a degree away from the exact square to his Pluto and Mars opposition. That night burglars were caught and arrested in the offices of the Democrat Party headquarters at the Watergate Complex in Washington, DC. It was quickly learned by the detectives that these burglars were connected to the White House. From there news of the break-in leaked to the media, and the story grew and grew.
If something like the burglary of overzealous employees had occurred at any other time in his life, he would have handled it with the usual political aplomb with which he met most of the other crises in his life. Instead, he was overwhelmed by the obverse of Pluto’s influence. He fell into a state of listlessness, of not caring, not understanding or doing what he needed to do.
He was now in terms of achievement the most successful president since Franklin Roosevelt. He had re-balanced the warring forces of Russia and China, thereby averting a world war that might have gone nuclear. On his watch, humans had walked on the Moon. By signing and enforcing the new EPA legislation he was responsible for cleaning the rivers of the land and the air above the cities. By strictly enforcing the civil rights laws passed by Congress during the Johnson presidency, he had freed a whole class of people from the faux slavery of Jim Crow.
Yet it now took him two weeks to understand that it was his own people who had broken into the Democrat Party headquarters, even when he had not asked them to do this. The measures he took to manage the crisis were ineffectual and sometimes dull-witted, and it grew worse. The judgment and ability he used to end the Vietnam War, to initiate the first SALT nuclear arms treaty with the Soviet Union, to change the balance of power in the world by opening up China, all these gifts had deserted him. The whole sad drama played out until August 9, 1974, when he resigned. On that day, Saturn by transit was sitting on the natal Sun of the US Chart (July4, 1776).
Gerald Ford

During this twenty year synodic cycle of Jupiter-Saturn, under the Plutonian influence, not one president would serve out a full two terms. Nixon’s time in the White House was the longest, serving five years and seven months. Gerald Ford’s term was the shortest: He served 895 days.
Ford is chiefly remembered for his total pardon of Nixon in September of 1974. The Watergate Saga had now gone on for over two years. It looked like it would continue for many more, and it was tearing the country apart. Ford ended the hysteria with his pardon. The Democrat Party and media were outraged. Most of that huge majority who had voted for Nixon in 1972 were relieved that it was over.
The Watergate episode would bring the Democrat Party into seven years of power, first in the congress, and then in the presidency. The Plutonian issue of this historic episode in Ford’s presidency was that the pardon required great personal courage on his part. Courage to do the right thing in the face of massive public outrage is Plutonian.
President Ford also survived two assassination attempts. These episodes occurred on different days in California, and they were carried out by the followers of Charles Manson, leader of a Plutonian murder and sex cult.
Ford’s re-election run describes the final brush he had with Plutonian energy. It had to do with his vice presidential choice. His serving vice president was Nelson Rockefeller. Ford allowed himself to be persuaded by Republican Party leaders that he would get more help from the conservative branch of the party if he chose a “real” conservative candidate for vice president in his upcoming term. He chose Robert Dole.
In many historians’ narrative it was the pardon that lost Ford the election. However, by the time of the nominating convention, the Watergate hysteria was mostly over. It would be a close election, and Rockefeller had far more drawing power than Dole, an obscure Republican senator from Kansas. Rockefeller likely would have carried Ford to a victory. So it was another Plutonian decision: Should he do the right thing and continue with Vice President Rockefeller to win the election, or should he take the “safe” path and go with Dole. He chose the “safe” path, and the conservatives in the party ended up not helping him very much, and he lost the election. He said later that he always regretted that decision as one of the most cowardly things he had ever done, that is, giving in to the demands of the conservatives. Here, the Plutonian dilemma was poorly faced.
Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter, when he ran against President Ford, was in effect running against Nixon, and against what the media purported that Nixon stood for. He ran as The Outsider who would go to Washington and fix things. He would root out corruption, streamline government bureaucracies, and place America firmly back on a moral path from which, he asserted, it had strayed.
His natal Pluto at 13° Cancer conjoined America’s natal Sun. And by Jan. 20, 1977, transiting Saturn sat in his 10th House and made an exact trine to his natal Jupiter. The doors of fate opened wide and ushered in this unknown politician into the White House.
He was highly energetic, and he worked very hard at whatever task he set himself to do. Entering the Naval Academy in 1943, he graduated in the top 10% of his class. His service was on submarines (Pluto rules them) first as ensign, then as lieutenant JG, and then as a lieutenant. He studied nuclear power under Admiral Hyman Rickover, and was scheduled to serve on America’s second nuclear submarine, the Seawolf. Then his father died, and the family business had no one to run it. In October, 1953, he left active duty and returned to Plains, Georgia, where over the years he would revive and make the family business, a peanut farm, thrive.
Later, entering politics, he served two terms in the Georgia legislature. In 1970, he ran for governor and won a four year term. He was something of a crusader. After a hard fought struggle, he reorganized the state bureaucracies from 300 down to 22 agencies. Whether this amounted to a savings or provided more efficient services to the people remains a matter of dispute.
In running his farm, he managed every detail himself; again, as governor, he micro-managed everything. In making every major and minor decision himself, he believed he had found the foundation of his success.
He worked very hard in his campaign for the Democrat Party nomination. Visiting state after state, he gave hundreds of speeches, traveled well over a hundred thousand miles, and made a favorable impression on the media. And it did not hurt that he looked somewhat like the still beloved John F. Kennedy: They both had that Libra Rising look.
It was a close fought race. Carter, the complete unknown, who had never served politically on the national level, won.
He was a hardworking, well-intentioned president. Yet he knew nothing of foreign policy. While in the Navy, he had never risen to high command, which might have given him some experience in the realm of command decisions. He had never served a long hard apprenticeship in power like Nixon did under Eisenhower, or Eisenhower had done under MacArthur and others, or Roosevelt had done under President Wilson. He came to Washington with a limited moral outlook. He did not possess the gifts that enabled a Roosevelt or a Churchill to intimately work with a cruel dictator like Stalin. For example, Carter disapproved of the Shah of Iran. He found the Shah’s secret police offensive. He withdrew American support of the Shah. And Iran fell into the hands of religious fanatics, whose régime murdered far more people than had the Shah’s secret police. Iran, which, other than Israel, had been America’s closest ally in the Mid-East, became its enemy and has terrorized its neighbors in that area for the last forty years.
Jimmy Carter was in command of a power that was way beyond his abilities to understand or control.
Then it got worse. The Islamic fanatics invaded the American embassy and took its occupants hostage. This was an egregious violation of international law. After long and useless negotiation, he sent in the military to free the hostages.
The rescue attempt, named Operation Eagle Claw, was based on a complicated plan, which he micro-managed. A fated sand storm swept over the rescuers damaging their air transport. The rescue attempt failed. He simply did not know what to do. This situation was beyond his understanding. He was locked into a Plutonian conundrum, and he saw no way out. The hostages would remain in Iran until the incoming president threatened the Iranians with total war.
His administration had other problems. He was inept with the economy, and it was deteriorating. Interest rates had reached 22%; super inflation was killing peoples’ savings. When Nixon brought in wage and price controls, it was only for a few months. He knew exactly what he was doing, and in a few months, he rescinded them. When Carter brought in wage and price controls, they just stayed there stifling everything. The overall economy is ruled by Pluto, and in making changes in it one has to be very careful, just as with nitroglycerin.
Amidst all the Plutonian humiliations and defeats he was going through the final defeat came when he lost his re-election bid. Pluto says that if you are going to achieve power, you had best know how to use it. Americans were tired of all the failure and they voted him out of office.
Conclusion: America’s First Pluto Return
I briefly sketched out the history of the influence of Pluto on the Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle from 1961 to 1981. Its purpose was to show all the unanticipated events that occurred during that twenty year cycle.
Will the same events happen again?
The answer is No. The influence of the Sun and the Moon and the planets and the stars must interact with human free will.
So it is not going to be the same. And it is also impossible to predict much using astrology, because Plutonian influence always brings things up from the deep that people are not aware of.
But the present Plutonian ride will be even more intense than that of the Sixties and Seventies. Added to the synod’s interaction with America’s natal Pluto is the influence of transiting Pluto making its first Plutonian Return in 248 years.
That influence was missing in 1961.
This is the first time in its history that America goes through a Plutonian Return. That Return is upon us now. Pluto by transit is less than 2° degrees away from a conjunction to the natal US Pluto. The Pluto Return influence is activated.
As a part of the Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle, the Pluto Return raises its influence to the nth degree.
The deep Plutonian emphasis on this twenty year cycle may emphasize some issues like:
Nuclear War
Like the unstable explosive nitroglycerin, Plutonian energy can be very tricky. Its energies need to be handled very carefully. In 1962, under a sudden nuclear threat from the Soviet Union, the Kennedy team worked out all the options, carried out their plans, and the Soviets withdrew their missiles. The Kennedy team’s actions demonstrated an act of great Plutonian courage. America was rewarded with an absence of nuclear war for almost sixty years.
In this new Plutonian cycle, there could be another nuclear confrontation. Like the last one, the threat could arrive in sudden and deadly fashion, and it would require experience in foreign policy, and a high courage to master that challenge. The inexorable laws of Plutonian war will apply here. To not understand and apply these laws could mean dissolution of the American Union.
Stealing an Election
People in America today (March, 2021) are divided. 75 million people believe that this election was stolen, that there was vote counting, and possibly that fraudulent voting machines were, in criminal fashion, digitally switching votes, and that many cities like Philadelphia, Detroit and Atlanta tallied many more votes than there were voters. Maybe what these 75 million people believe is wrong, i.e., that there was little voter fraud, and in which case the whole thing will be forgotten in a few months. But…if it becomes apparent to those 75 million or so that this was a stolen election involving massive voter fraud, in effect taking away their voting franchise, and subverting the will of the people, then we enter a Plutonian karmic state of affairs. Then there could be eruptions, possibly a civil war.
Iran and the Bomb
The present administration is reopening the treaty with Iran. And it is appeasing the Iranian rulers. The appeasers never seem to learn this. The famous example is that of Neville Chamberlain, who led the British Empire into six years of war. His example demonstrates a basic law in international relations. Appeasement leads to war.
When Iran detonates a nuclear bomb, then it follows that its neighbors like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and others will construct their own bombs. Once they all have the bomb, there is a good chance that someone will use it, and there could be a multi-bomb nuclear war spreading its radioactive waste into the upper atmosphere, moving all over the planet.
That war will arrive much sooner if Israel, now lacking the umbrella of American support, decides to go to war with Iran.
The Quality of Leadership
In the previous 1961-81 twenty year cycle, every president experienced some form of military service. John Kennedy, captain of a torpedo boat, was in combat in the pacific theater. Commander Lyndon Johnson was a reserve naval officer. While traveling in the Pacific on June 9, 1942, he had occasion to sit in the tail gunner seat of a B-26 bomber as it flew over the Pacific Ocean to its next destination. Suddenly Japanese Zero fighters appeared and flew straight at the plane, firing at it, attempting to shoot it down. Even after being riddled with bullets, the B-26 escaped. Gerald Ford served four years on a navy war vessel in the Pacific. Nixon in World War II served in Bougainville and other islands in the Solomon Islands and was subjected to Japanese bombs. Jimmy Carter served on submarines during the Korean War.
To some extent all of these presidents were involved in warfare, which enabled them to somewhat understand the military challenges presented in the 61-81 cycle. The military challenges in the 2021-41 cycle could be far worse than what they had to deal with.
Let us hope that our leaders will have some of this kind of experience.
Positive Pluto
As there are always positive sides to Plutonian influence, and as it is always seeking to balance natural law, let us examine some of these.
Enforcement of the Laws
The American criminal justice system needs vast reform. It is said that on average an American citizen commits three felonies a day, just by breaking some law that he or she has never heard of. That problem should be fixed. It would take a lot of work in a congress that thoroughly understood the problem and was willing to tackle it.
In a grand jury, only the prosecutor has is allowed to make a presentation to the jurors; the accused cannot even appear before the jury. This practice essentially takes away many rights of defense from the accused. An over ambitious prosecutor can easily wreck a person’s life, and many have done just that. The right of legal defense must be restored to the American citizen. Deeper levels of this problem exist. Possibly, tens of thousands of people could easily be freed from prison.
Schools and Education
In 1979, Jimmy Carter signed into law a new cabinet level bureaucracy, the Department of Education. This is also the time when the quality of learning in America began its long steep decline. The growing power of teachers unions added to this sad deterioration. Drastic changes need to be effected. As the education bureaucracy in Washington DC has done nothing but contribute to the decline, maybe it is time to close it down entirely and return public education back to the states, where for over 200 years they performed much better than that vast useless bureaucracy. In addition, teachers unions are a parasite on public education, and they should also be closed down. In fact, government unions are in general are parasitic and should be ended.
A Civil War?
In the 19th century, the will of the people to end slavery was thwarted by a small group of slave-owning Southern Senators. They passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act on May 30, 1854. These Plutonian laws extended slavery to the territories which were going to become States of the Union. Not only did it extend slavery but it also allowed slave owners to enter Free States to capture and re-enslave the runaways. This was definitely a Plutonian issue. Up till then the practice of slavery was naturally diminishing. This law was a huge step backwards. Passing it definitely comprised a conspiracy, and it was a misuse of Plutonian power. The Republican Party was created a few weeks later. Abraham Lincoln, one of its founding members, laid out the ground work of how the party would function. Seven years later, America entered the most deadly civil war of its history. 610,000 combatants died. Four years after that, slavery was abolished in America. It was a final, deadly solution, but slavery was wiped out. Plutonian power unjustly applied will often blow up in the face of those who wield it. The day that the Kansas-Nebraska bill passed in the senate, transiting Jupiter was conjunct America’s natal Pluto. By early September and October of 1864, transiting Jupiter in its orbit had circled the Sun, and it was back in its position conjunct the USA Pluto when the Kansas-Nebraska act had been passed and signed into law by President Pierce. In September and October of 1864, General Sherman was executing his March to the Sea, tearing the Confederacy apart; it also had the political effect of confirming Lincoln in a second term as president. The war against slavery was essentially over, and it signaled the end of a whole way of life in the Southern States.
In the second week of December, 2020, transiting Jupiter made the exact conjunction to America’s natal Pluto. It will be interesting to observe the events that come to pass ten or eleven years from now. The nature of Pluto is to set things right. It seeks to bring things back into balance, into the Tao.
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