Perspective, Values, and the Covid Crisis

The planned event anticipates multiple speakers, each taking on some aspect of the COVID response which is aligned with their core technical or medical expertise. Although I was not part of the original protest, Simone had asked that I participate in this one. In my case, during our prior planning, it was clear that my core competency related to the mRNA vaccine technology and the genetic vaccines, so that was to be my assigned swim lane. Then Simone called yesterday, telling me that she follows this substack and that her impression was that I am one of the few physicians who “sees the big picture”. Kind words, followed by a request that I give two talks, the second focused on summarizing the overall arc of the COVIDcrisis. Honored, of course I agreed without a second thought. But what should be the theme? What scope? Summarizing what has been done to all of us since January 2020 could take all day. I parked this in my subconscious, went about my evening farm chores, and trusted that something would come to mind - hopefully some overriding theme that would tie it all together. What was it that really caused me to radically restructure my worldview since that fateful call from Dr. Michael Callahan on January 04, 2020? What was at the root of my personal “Ontological Shock”?
Waking up, two cups of coffee with Jill, and then outside to feed and water the horses and get on with the huge list of chores, Dr. Gold’s request continued to nag at my mind. While working on refurbishing the tractor’s box scraper, getting ready for a major grading job here on the farm, the realization finally arrived.
Ethics. My big Ontological Shocks have all been about ethics. One of my top values is to strive to act ethically, and to surround myself with ethical people.
On a personal level, in no particular order, the things that tipped me over the top, leading to my initial essay regarding the bioethics of what was being done, was the late night call with a Canadian physician who told me about how his reports of patient post-mRNA genetic vaccination adverse events were being denied and disregarded, and how the Canadian Government was enticing children to accept the experimental vaccines using ice cream.
This was on top of the cascade of events that lead to my disassociating myself from Dr. Callahan and the Northwell contract/clinical trial of Famotidine; uncovering the lies that were being deployed in an immature quest for power, fame and fortune.
And if that was not enough, there was the concerted effort to write me and my scientific achievements early in my career out of history in the push to market Drs. Kariko and Weissman for the Nobel Prize, Lasker award, etc. Followed closely by the concerted and sustained efforts by corporate media to defame and degrade my reputation (just two of many examples) and that of so, so many others who were speaking truth to power.
But none of these hold a candle to the repeated lies from top US and WHO “Public Health Officials” regarding the safety and effectiveness of the genetic vaccines, the utility of wearing fabric or paper dust masks in reducing viral spread, the perverted logic of the lockdowns, and the biggest lies of them all - that SARS-CoV-2 did not originate at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, that the US Government did not fund related gain of function research, that repurposed drugs were neither safe nor effective for treating the disease, that this was a highly lethal virus, and that children were both at high risk and were major contributors to the morbidity and mortality attributed to this virus.
And there is the fact that the COVIDcrisis was deemed to provide sufficient justification for the US Government, WHO, WEF, UN and other five eyes nations to deploy on civilian populations fifth generation warfare, military-grade psy-ops, crowd cyberstalking, organized censorship, and sponsored corporate media actions designed to only allow one approved COVIDcrisis narrative - which all turned out to be based on lies. Our government, and the WHO - in concert with the WEF and UN, was quite willing to actively manipulate the minds of the entire population of the world in support of a cluster of hidden agendas which remain shrouded in the fog of war to this day.
These are all major ethical breaches. Organized, systematic breaches of the law (including the First amendment of the US Constitution). Organized, systemic breaches of fundamental medical bioethics, actively supported by the entire medical establishment. Massive failures of fundamental individual and organizational integrity. Massive failures to respect human dignity. Organized assaults on community in general, and communities of faith in particular.
Once the “Ontological Shock” of all these events was transformed into a personal “Ontological Crisis”, I was forced to re-evaluate everything I thought I knew about the way the world works. Perhaps this happened to you also. For me, the capstone, the icing on the cake, was when Tucker Carlson did his piece on the chronic failure of successive presidents to disclose the full Warren Commission (on the assassination of President Kennedy), and his reporting that an insider source indicated that the CIA was, in fact, deeply involved in those events. Events which are embedded in my earliest memories as a child. On top of everything else, I had to confront the probability that there had been an organized coup of the United States Government by the US Intelligence community.
And suddenly things which I had always kept at the periphery of my consciousness, of my internal model for the way things work and the way things are, came rushing back in a disorganized flood. The Pentagon Papers. Wikileaks. The disclosures of Edward Snowden. The Nordstream pipeline sabotage.
What the COVIDcrisis has taught, for anyone willing and able to listen and hear, is that we are living in a world where government propaganda, information control, and increasingly mind and thought control has been normalized. A world where ethics and ethical boundaries are treated as an inconvenience to be circumvented whenever deemed “necessary”. Where there is no “right and wrong”, but rather government, UN, WHO, WEF, World Trade, and Centralized Banking decisions are driven by power and the utilitarian concept that the ends always justify the means.
For the US Government and Administrative State, ethics have become obsolete, an anachronism. That is the overarching lesson of the COVIDcrisis. In our lust for power and global dominance, we have come to tolerate and financially support an “intelligence community” willing to do anything in support of global American/Five Eyes hegemony. Overthrow democratically elected governments. Election interference. Assassination. Censorship and psychological manipulation of US Citizens on a massive scale.
I think I can see clearly now, perhaps for the first time in my life.
As a nation, and as citizens, we have tolerated the grossly unethical activities of the “intelligence community” by convincing ourselves that the ends justify the means. But by doing so, we have allowed this logic to systematically infiltrate and corrupt this precious gift given to us - the American experiment in self governance. And now the power and complete ethical vacuum which is at the core of this slouching beast has come to consume us. The Administrative State and the Intelligence Community have fused, become one. And the prime imperatives of the hideous get which emerges from this fusion are self preservation and power.
Jill and I have now spent years trying to understand what has happened to all of us, and the most vexing question of all has been “who are the puppet masters behind all of this evil”.
I cannot escape the nagging sense that in the end it is not Klaus Schwab, or Larry Fink, or the shadowy figures and families behind the Bank of International Settlements and the majority of the central banks, or the remainder of the old European Aristocracy.
A close colleague, who happens to employ a former director of the CIA (DCIA), called me the other day. We talked of “ships and shoes and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings”. He told me a recent story; he asked his former DCIA colleague if he thought that the CIA had become the most powerful organization in the world. The DCIA thought a bit, and answered yes, he thought that this was probably true.
What is the overall arc of the COVIDcrisis? I suggest two words. Perspective and Ethics. Many, many lost their ability to maintain an objective perspective, to accurately assess reality. Partly because their mental and psychological space and reality was actively manipulated using a variety of Orwellian modern psychological manipulation methods deployed by governments, financial organizations, industry (particularly pharma + media), and non-governmental globalist organizations (Gates Foundation, WHO, WEF, UN). But above and beyond even this was the wholesale jettisoning of any and all commitments to fundamental ethical principles.
Integrity. Dignity. Community.
All compromised in a mad rush to achieve an ill-advised and ill-conceived utilitarian “public health” (or was it a financial?) mission.
Where do we go from here? Does the American Experiment now draw to a close, cast and crushed onto rocks of our own making? Do we retreat into pockets of “intentional community” as foretold by Ayn Rand in her tale of John Gault and his colleagues, while the winds of Woke and Globalism howl around us?
I do not have the answers. Only questions. And a willingness to ask them, in spite of all of the wickedness deployed against myself and so many others.
(Galadriel) ‘…Do you see now wherefore your coming is to us as the footstep of Doom? For if you fail, then we are laid bare to the Enemy. Yet if you succeed, then our power is diminished, and Lothlórien will fade, and the tides of Time will sweep it away. We must depart into the West, or dwindle to a rustic folk of dell and cave, slowly to forget and to be forgotten.’
Frodo bent his head. ‘And what do you wish?’ he said at last.
‘That what should be shall be,’ she answered. […] ‘For the fate of Lothlórien you are not answerable, but only for the doing of your own task. Yet I could wish, were it of no avail, that the One Ring had never been wrought, or had remained for ever lost.’
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