Dr. Anthony Fauci knew COVID-19 vaccines were causing serious injuries within days of the vaccines’ rollout in December 2020, according to documents obtained by Children’s Health Defense (CHD). However, he didn’t respond to emails from people who described their injuries and asked for help — and he didn’t warn the public.

The 300-page tranche of documents released on April 21 relates to correspondence between the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and people who contacted the agency about adverse events they experienced after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

CHD requested the documents via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in November 2022. On April 12, 2023, CHD sued the NIH to obtain the records after the NIH failed to respond to the FOIA request.

As part of an October 2023 settlement, the NIH agreed to produce up to 7,500 pages of documents at a rate of 300 per month.

Dr. Joel Wallskog is a Wisconsin orthopedic surgeon who stopped practicing medicine after being injured by Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. He told The Defender the documents prove public health officials, including Fauci, “were well aware of the avalanche of adverse events that were occurring early in 2021.”

“No communication was made about these adverse events to the public,” said Wallskog, now co-chairman of React19, a nonprofit representing vaccine injury victims. “This prevented the public from receiving informed consent.”

Wallskog said that while the emails “are heartbreaking,” Fauci “was too busy to respond to Americans pleading for help.”

Dr. Danice Hertz, a retired gastroenterologist from California who was injured by the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, told The Defender it was painful for her “to see proof that the heads of the regulatory agencies knew very well from the start of the vaccine campaign of the serious adverse reactions these vaccines have caused.”

“The heads of these agencies need to be held responsible and disciplined appropriately. In addition, the dangers of these vaccines need to be made public and those impacted by the vaccines need to be helped and compensated appropriately,” she added.

Fauci is set to testify publicly for the first time since retiring from public service at a hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

December 2020 email to Fauci stated government agencies ignored injury report

This month’s documents reveal that at least one vaccine-injured individual attempted to contact Fauci directly by email as early as Dec. 27, 2020.

According to the email (pages 192-193), the person developed facial “burning and tingling” within 30 minutes of receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. This was soon followed by tachycardia, a “near syncopal event” and shortness of breath. Intermittent burning, redness, swelling and facial tingling continued.

“I believe that I have had an anaphylactoid reaction to the vaccine,” the person wrote. “I have alerted my hospital, Pfizer, VAER[S] and Vsafe … and have had no response from anybody. I thought maybe you or someone might want to know about my reaction.”

The person also said they were “not planning to get the second dose of the vaccine.”

The only response was an automated reply advising the public to “visit www.coronavirus.gov for the latest information and guidance related to COVID-19.”

In a Dec. 27, 2020 follow-up email, the same person wrote, “I think you should read my email. The website does not help me.” No further communications occurred, based on the documents NIH released.

Doctor reports ‘concerns for adolescents’ following patient’s vaccine injury

A Sept. 21, 2021, email (page 197) to Fauci with the subject line, “Pfizer vaccination reaction concerns for adolescents,” contained details about a vaccine-injured adolescent. The email likely came from the doctor of an adolescent girl who received both doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in August 2021.

“She experienced chest discomfort and some fatigue with the first dose with no sequelae,” the email read. “The second dose, within 12 hours, resulted in severe chest pain, hypotension and a syncopal episode” that resulted in a visit to the ER.

The doctor expressed concern about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines for children. “My question and concern deals with future vaccinations and possible administration of a booster shot to her. If appropriate to direct me to any links as to ongoing studies involving children, adolescents regarding boosters.”

Similarly, a July 10, 2022, email (page 291) appears to refer to another child injured by the COVID-19 vaccine. It states that “Our otherwise healthy [redacted] experienced a bout of mild post-Pfizer Vaccine myocarditis, 5 days after his second dose.” The email asked if, five months later, “he can safely receive the 3rd dose.”

In a Feb. 8, 2021, email (page 190) under the subject line, “Rare Side Effects from Covid Vaccine,” another person told Fauci about adverse reactions after the second dose.

According to the email, the person “developed severe lymphadenopathy” in their neck, chest and axilla within 16 hours of receiving the second shot, “which is still present 5 weeks later.” Other symptoms listed include persistent fever, myalgiasarthralgias, “severe spine and neck pain” and “jello”-like upper arm weakness.

“I feel that I need to see a research based immunologist who can explore why I have this bilateral upper arm weakness and lymphadenopathy that has been persistent for more than 5 weeks,” this individual wrote. “If you are interested in my case, I will be happy to share my information with you and your team.”

A Feb. 21, 2021, email forwarded to Fauci (page 191) — “Adverse neurological reactions to Covid mRNA vaccines” — came from another injured individual, who “suffered a terrible reaction 30 minutes after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine.”

“I am still very symptomatic … with severe paresthesias, chest tightness, tremor, dizziness, headaches,” this individual wrote, adding that they subsequently were “contacted by five other women who have had very similar neurological reactions … and are all quite ill weeks after receiving their vaccines.”

A June 18, 2021, email addressed to Fauci with the subject “Pfizer Vaccine Paresthesia” (page 234) came from someone who had been “experiencing paresthesia (head, arms, legs mostly)” beginning two days after their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

“It becomes worse with exertion. I was first sent to the ER where my symptoms were dismissed as possibly from the vaccine but [redacted] as this side effect is not listed by the CDC” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

This person noted that a neurologist they were referred to “said this is from the vaccine” and advised “not to get the 2nd dose.” The patient was also advised to limit exercise “to walking on flat surfaces at a slow pace” as symptoms worsened with exertion, whereas pre-vaccination, they “could work out without any issues.”

“I have reported my side effects to Pfizer and have not heard from them,” this individual continued. “We need someone to investigate this and help us figure out why this is happening to us and if it is safe to get the 2nd dose of the vaccine.”

The person also expressed “hope” that Fauci would “be able to … at least get Pfizer, the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] and the CDC to acknowledge this side effect and investigate its cause.”

In a July 21, 2021, email to Fauci — “Vaccine Adverse Events and Hesitancy” (page 236) — Brianne Dressen, who gave The Defender permission to publish her name, said she was “writing to ask for HELP.”

“I now am representing thousands, like me, who have experienced severe reactions to the Covid vaccines that is extremely similar to what is seen in long-covid. Individually and collectively, we have been reaching out to the CDC and FDA (some of us having extensive dialogue with the top officials) since last December.”

“No substantiative [sic] response has been made, none of these adverse reactions (yes, rare) are known to the public, and more and more people are piling onto this sinking ship with absolutely NO HELP from the appropriate agencies,” Dressen’s email said.

“This is not right. We are good people. WE NEED HELP. One mention of this … would change the game for these suffering, alone and afraid,” her email continued.

“These [injuries] are ALL being reported to VAERS and also directly to the CDC. Yet, nothing is mentioned anywhere publicly by trusted officials, Which leaves us literally completely unable to get medical care. … We have been abandoned and are now desperate for help.”

“Please, please help us,” her email concluded. Dressen told The Defender that Fauci never responded to her email.

‘We need to figure it out before more lives are damaged or lost’

Several emails addressed myocarditis cases. One of those — “Question on adverse reaction to Pfizer vaccine in older adult and second dose” — was sent by a vaccine-injured individual on July 30, 2021 (page 200).

The author of the email experienced “ongoing generalized chest pains” which “did not quite match descriptions of a heart attack” within “a few days” of the first dose of the vaccine. The person’s pharmacist said, “Myocarditis has been reported in some people” after vaccination and recommended the submission of a VAERS report.

“I did so, but was wondering if my case was actually reported, since the news is focused on cases in younger adults,” the person wrote. “I was wondering if cases in older adults are being accurately reported.”

The person also stated concerns “about getting a second dose,” noting that their pharmacist advised against this, “since the incidence of myocarditis is higher with the second dose.”

The documents also revealed an Aug. 6, 2021, email to Fauci (page 196), titled “Death from enlarged heart post vaccine shots,” sent by an apparent relative of the victim. The email said the victim “died … from an enlarged heart issue” after getting both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

“I’ve read about the possibility of myocarditis being a possible side effect of the vaccine and was curious of how it would be determined whether or not this played a part in [the victim’s] death,” the email stated, noting the victim “was … an athlete in good shape.”

According to a Dec. 4, 2021, email to Fauci — “Booster shot for Someone that Experience[d] Myocarditis after Second Shot” (page 199) — the media never reported if people who experienced myocarditis after vaccination should get a booster.

Referring to someone else who, after the second shot, felt “chest discomfort” akin to “an elephant sitting on her chest” following the second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine dose, despite no prior heart issue, the victim was “wondering if she should get the Covid booster,” as she was “afraid of the possible consequences.”

“If you can, I think it would be worth addressing this to the public in one of you[r] news briefings,” the email said in conclusion.

A Dec. 16, 2021, email to Fauci — “Booster Shot and Myocarditis?” (page 198) — came from someone who said that, seven months prior, they were “hospitalized for five days from myocarditis,” a week after their second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

“I fear going back to the hospital for an even worse case of myocarditis from a booster shot,” the individual wrote. “I do want to receive a booster, but I feel that my case is being overlooked,” later asking whether they should “forgo the booster.”

Similarly, a Jan. 30, 2022, email (page 201) from someone “affected by myocarditis as a result of getting the second shot of Pfizer vaccine” stated, “We are afraid of a repeat scenario if we ‘boost’ … but we are scared of not doing so at the same time.”

A Jan. 11, 2022, email to Fauci (page 202) from a “seriously injured” individual who was “young, fit, healthy … with no medical problems,” said this “ended twelve minutes after my moderna vaccine.”

“I was on the ground, my body went numb, was shaking and my vitals were critically unstable … I had chest pain and difficulty breathing. Over the following two months I had … calls and was hospitalized 5 times. I lost seventeen pounds in three weeks and was in my doctors or urgent care 3-5 times a week if I was not in the hospital.”

“I also dealt with numbness, tingling, Parkinson’s like walk and jerky body movements,” the individual wrote, adding that their doctors “know I was vaccine injured.”

“There’s no denying it when it happened before I could even leave the vaccination site,” the individual wrote. “The problem is my top notch doctors don’t know what to do. This is where I desperately need your help … We need help and we need research.”

Noting that they knew of other people, including doctors, with the “same injury,” the author of the email wrote, “There must be something that is causing these reactions … we need to figure it out before more lives are damaged or lost. … Will you please help me/us?”

“In 2024, who is surprised about the rise in not only COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy but vaccine hesitancy in general, when our federal regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect the American public operate in secrecy?” Wallskog asked.


Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., based in Athens, Greece, is a senior reporter for The Defender and part of the rotation of hosts for CHD.TV's "Good Morning CHD."


