Saturday, May 25, 2024

Thought Forms

Thought Forms

Thought forms are intentions powered with emotion that live in your aura. They are structured constructs and are part of the attractive force that generates your experience. Charged areas of past trauma and unconscious beliefs are one type of thought form, as are intentions for manifestation that you have consciously created. However they can also be other people’s thoughts that are placed in your aura to manipulate you.

The unique aspect of self-generated thought forms that makes them different from your daily random thoughts is that they don’t require your continued attention to exist. You don’t have to feed thought forms with continued worry or other emotional energy. Once created, they are independent of your thought process and have a life of their own. Seeking to manifest their program, they grow by finding like-energy to combine with and become more powerful. In doing so they attract toward you the people and events that will help them grow.

Subconscious constructs can be both attractors and receptor sites for lower-level energy. Additionally, you can project your thought forms onto other people. Once implanted in someone else, they combine and make bigger and stronger constructs in both of you. Other people can do the same to you such that it becomes difficult to know whose thought form is whose. Any time you give your power away to someone else, you are combining thought forms. Massive constructs are formed and reinforced through the news, teachers, religious authority, governments, and so forth. Owning and deconstructing or transforming your negative thought forms helps not only you, but everyone around you.

A curse is a thought form intentionally constructed and placed in another person’s field to purposely destabilize them. Curses are programmed to stay through time and may activate only under certain conditions. For example, a curse from an old lover placed on your love life will only activate when you are establishing a relationship.

Dr. Synthia AndrewsND
The Paths of Energy

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