Ray Epps gets probation! So much for the grand 'narrative' of 'insurrection' on January 6
Patricia McCarthy
January 11, 2024
Since that blighted day in 2021, many, many people have come to believe that what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, was a set-up, an event contrived by the FBI, DOJ, and democrat radicals like Nancy Pelosi, for example.
The committee to investigate what happened was a joke, an entirely partisan exercise to take out the most popular president since Ronald Reagan because he was, and remains, a threat to the deep state bureaucracy that actually runs the country.
The evidence presented was cherry-picked, edited, and the witnesses coached. That committee was a pure show trial, reminiscent of Stalin’s style of despotism. It had nothing to do with the truth. It was all part of the Democrats’ grand plan to destroy Trump.
Ray Epps’s all too obvious behavior that day was a fly in their ointment that they chose to ignore.
The left, with malice aforethought, latched on to the word “insurrection” from day one, even though not a single protestor was armed. Only the Capitol police were armed; only the Capitol police killed and injured people that day.
From day one, the left’s narrative has been a lie carefully calculated to do the most damage to Trump and his supporters. The public, to this day, has been denied access to the thousands of hours of video, but a few documentary films are now available that show the violence of the police; it was the police who fired munitions into the peaceful crowd, and it was the police, under-represented as they were, who beat several men and women caught in the crushing crowd. Four people died, each a peaceful protestor. All the while, Ray Epps was directing people “into the Capitol.” But he was never arrested or charged with a crime, while people who only stood outside have been sent to jail.
Who is Ray Epps? In the available videos, he is the guy in the red hat seen ordering people into the Capitol the night before and again that day.
Initially, he was on the “most wanted” list, but his name was mysteriously removed a few days later. Why? He is all over the videos we have now seen. His text to his nephew takes credit for “orchestrating” the breach of the Capitol building. He is seen whispering to one man who then tears down one of the first barriers.
In short, it is beyond clear that Epps was part of the cabal that planned and executed the event to prevent Vice President Mike Pence from doing what he should have done, Constitutionally, to recount the votes in certain states where fraud was obvious.

The Democrats could not let that happen.
They had cheated in numerous ways, from fraudulent mail-in ballots to voting machine issues, to rule changes, county clerk takeovers, and dropboxes funded by Mark Zuckerberg that we know for sure were stuffed with fake ballots throughout the nation.
The vote counting was stopped on election night, most likely so additional ballots could be created for Biden. Some Democrats, such as Time writer Molly Ball, bragged about how they did it as "the conspiracy to save the 2020 election." They reveled in their cleverness. There is a wholesale absence of ethics and morality among these leftists. Thus, a Ray Epps can be central to the crime and escape responsibility because he was working for the Democrats.
Meanwhile, hundreds of people have been charged, convicted, and sent to prison for misdemeanors like “parading.” Many have been held in solitary confinement for months without due process and are being quite literally tortured in a rat- and roach-filled D.C. Gulag and other prisons around the country.
Matthew Graves, the prosecutor obsessed with punishing grandmothers who showed up that day, just announced he intends to continue targeting anyone who was even near the Capitol that day. This is the stuff of Mao’s China.
Biden has transformed the U.S. into a police state, one in which anyone opposing those in power is guilty of a crime.
But back to Epps. He was feted on 60 Minutes as if he were some kind of hero who was being unfairly accused of being a “fed.”
Three years have gone by, and he was not charged even though he is easily identified in numerous videos from that day, pretending to be a Trump supporter. But as evidence of his calculated participation has become clearer and clearer, the DOJ had to make a show of justice being served.
Epps has been minimally charged and given a sentence of one-year probation, a $500 fine, and 100 hours of community service. You can be sure he will never bother to do that, nor will he be held to it, and it's likely that his government handlers will pay his fine. This is just a feeble, transparent attempt to pretend he was not one of the perhaps 200 government agents in the crowd that day who instigated the violence. Epps may well have been the leader of the deception on the ground. He can be seen eventually leaving, followed by four or five of his operatives as the police-generated violence begins to calm.
The so-called Whitmer kidnapping plot has been proven to have been an FBI scam that recruited a group of minimal-IQ losers to participate in a kidnapping plot of the government's making; there is no low to which the FBI will not stoop for political purposes.
Michigan juries found a couple of them not guilty but sent a few others to jail. As for the FBI agents involved, the head of the Michigan FBI field office who ran the team was promoted to D.C. right before January 6. The storming of the Wisconsin statehouse was likely a dry run. There were few charges after the many riots in the summer of 2020 despite billions of dollars in damage to cities throughout the country. Kamala Harris raised money to ensure the bail release of any rioters charged.
In short, this regime advocates for chaos and racial violence. Ray Epps was clearly working for the government on Jan. 6, 2021. The fact that there have been no charges against him these past three years until now, despite his obvious leadership participation in driving the lawlessness that day, proves it.
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